A Demon And His Brit: Music Can Bring People Together. Even If One's A Demon.

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Arthur found it difficult to sleep that night but anyone would find it hard if they had just encountered and possibly befriended a demon. Not just a demon, The Demon King. Every time Arthur had managed to fall asleep, he'd have dreams about Alfred. Dreams of what Alfred possibly could of done in the past and how his new 'friend' could change his future. He dreamt about how many people, humans, Alfred may have killed. Innocent people. Arthur wasn't dead nor hurt in anyway. He remembered Alfred saying that "a human has survived an encounter with a demon."

Was he the only one?

Arthur wondered if he was the only one or were there others out there that knew about these creatures. He thought about it too much and a headache began to occur. He tried to stop thinking but being his usual stubborn self, he wouldn't fall asleep until he thought of a good reason why Alfred picked him. Why was he the chosen one? Or was he chosen? Was it a complete accident and Alfred just happened to pick Arthur at random? Arthur couldn't stop thinking about it but eventually he had fallen asleep.

His dreams were interrupted by the dreadful noise of his alarm clock. With a groan, Arthur weakly lifted up his hand to turn off the noisy device. He rolled over onto his back and wiped his eyes. He didn't get a lot of sleep and he didn't want to go to school. He wanted to roll up and fall asleep again, but that wasn't an option. After a moment, he sat up and stretched, yawning. He stood up and looked out the window. Another half decent morning for England. It wasn't raining, which was good. Arthur was sick of the rain. He didn't know why, but the rain scared him slightly. Almost like it was a reminder of an event that happened years ago, way before Arthur was born. He didn't want to think about it too much.

With a sigh, Arthur started his everyday, morning routine. Time flew by and it was ready to go to school.

Arthur felt quite lonely in the mornings. His siblings weren't there and neither was his mother. He was the only one technically living in England. His four siblings were older than him and have moved to various places. Alistor moved to Scotland, Roisin went to Ireland, Eoin moved to Northern Ireland and finally, Carlin moved to Wales. Their mother, Elizabeth, died when Arthur was very young. She was suffering from cancer. Arthur still remembered when he use to visit her in the hospital. Even though she was in a wheelchair, as white as a ghost and always had various medicines given to her frequently, she always smiled for her children. Arthur remembered when she started looking more and more tired. After two years of having cancer, Elizabeth died, in front of Arthur, holding his hand. Arthur couldn't believe it. He wanted his mother to wake up. Just wake up and smile, smile one last time. Alistor then took care of them as he just turned twenty one and he didn't want anyone else to take care of his dear siblings. They never spoke a word about their mother ever since.

The Brit sighed, locking his apartment door and walking outside. He was enveloped with the cool morning air the moment he stepped outside. He wondered would he see Alfred today or would the demon disappear. Arthur didn't know if he should trust the demon. Demons aren't exactly trustworthy creatures. But what's the worst that can happen? Arthur should be happy to see and make acquaintance with a demon, but for some reason he feels something will go wrong. He chose to ignore that feeling.

(( just so you know, United Kingdom: Wales, Scotland, England and Northern Ireland.

England: well... England. Its it own thing.

Ireland: technically isn't part of England or the Uk and is its own country. (Boo) although it was part of the UK not too long ago. If it wasn't for the English plantations in Ireland, the people there would still be speaking Irish ( the native language that makes no sense.) although they are still thought it in school which is retarded but any who.

Small bit of a history lesson for you. Yay~))

He arrived at his school gates, slowly walking in, nodding at the very few people who were already there. He stopped in the middle of the courtyard, wondering where to go. Surely the demon could find him, he must not of been that stupid. He didn't even know if the demon would be in disguise or not. He shrugged and kept on walking. 'He'll eventually find me.' Arthur thought to himself.

A Demon and His Brit. ((Demon!America x Human!England.))Where stories live. Discover now