A Demon and His Brit: Supposedly Dark.

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(( little bit of swearing but not too much. Thanks for reading ^.^))

Arthur laid on the bed, his mouth slightly ajar and looked into the demons sky blue eyes.

His expression was a mixture of shock and happiness. He was happy to be right and to be in the presence of a demon. But also shocked that there was a demon in front of his eyes and, the most confusing part, the demon kissed the Brit.

Alfred smiled and stood up, not taking his eyes off of Arthur. "Surprised?" The demon asked.

Arthur sat up and observed the demon. "...y-you're really the demon from before..."

Alfred nodded, still smiling.

Arthur furrowed his eyebrows."then how am I still alive? Why didn't you kill me the other time? Why did you put on a disguise and try and be friends with me? It makes no bloody sense at all!"

"It doesn't? Wow and I thought you were a clever little Brit. Boy I was wrong." The demon chuckled.

Arthur scowled and crossed his arms, glaring at the demon known as Alfred. " I am bloody clever, fucking gitface! How the bloody hell am I meant to know what you're thinking?! I'm not a bloody demon or vampire nor a bloody unicorn! I don't have powers like you have! I don't kill people! I don't have the same emotions as you! We're nothing alike! So how the hell am I meant to know?!"

Alfred's smile dropped. He looked at the ground and started fidgeting with his hands. For the first time he actually looked slightly nervous and well... Non-demon like. "Well em..." He began to speak after a moment. "I-I know this sounds em... Stupid but... I... I should be able to say this. I'm the freaking demon king after all! It's just so hard to say it! Okay, okay I'm gonna have to now... E-em... Well... The thing is..."

Arthur was starting to get impatient. "Just bloody say it, wanker!"

"Alright, alright. Calm your tits. " Alfred smirked slightly but still looked nervous. "Well the only real reason I came to the human world was to ... Well... Learn from you..."

Arthur nodded slightly. " what exactly do you want to learn? Couldn't you just watch humans or something? Instead of interrupting their routine? Also, why would anyone, demon, Kêr or any other creature for that matter, want to learn human emotions. I mean, humans are weak mainly because of emotional attachments to others' and or objects. I'd say, if humans didn't have such emotions, we'd be able to fight up against demons."

Alfred averted his eyes away from Arthur's gaze. " well... For example... Humans can feel sadness and love right? Or I think that's what they're called... Anyway, demons can't feel those emotions. And I have been watching various humans for many years and I still can't find out how love works... It's confusing! How can someone be so weak and well... Happy around someone else like that?! I guess it's kind of like... I want to see what it's like to be a human... Just like you want to know what it's like to be a demon... So I put on a disguise so that I might learn from humans."

Arthur couldn't believe it. A demon, no the demon king, probably one of the most strongest creatures to of ever been created, was weak enough to come to the human world in search for stupid emotions. And right now, he didn't look strong at all. He looked like a teenager who bought a demon outfit for Halloween. "So... You want me to help you feel ... Love?" Arthur's cheeks went slightly red from saying the last word. He wouldn't of cared much but after the situation of Alfred kissing Arthur several times, it felt awkward to say it.

Alfred nodded. His cheeks also turned a slightly redder colour. He looked up from the floor and looked Arthur in the eyes. Alfred's cheeks turned darker when their eyes met. Arthur looked very annoyed and embarrassed. They both waited in a long and awkward silence until the demon began to speak.

"S-so... It would be really great if you could help me... Be more human. I would really be grateful and I'll tell you about demons. Maybe we could make like a contract, or something?"

Arthur nodded. "Sounds good...but I'm sure you won't need any help falling 'in love'. You have the majority of the girls at my school flocking around you on your first day! Imagine what it'll be like after a week! Probably all of London! The only problem is that those type of girls only want you for... W-well for... They only want to sleep with you..." Arthur's cheeks became a dark red. He was sure Alfred noticed but he wished he hadn't. "S-so I say good luck finding a girl who likes you for your personality! And what will you say to them? That you're secretly a demon!? They'd think you're insane! Maybe even send you to Lakeview! "

(Lakeview: a mental institution type place near where I live. Also its where my OC's live x3 my OC kinda name thing is 'welcome to Lakeview.' Thought you might want to know.)

"I-I don't care! I honestly don't care about any of those girls! " Alfred was starting to get pissed off.

"Ha! Well good luck falling in love, hun!" Arthur smirked, feeling pleased he was able to outsmart the demon king.

Alfred looked at the Brit, confused. "What do you mean?"

Arthur was close to face palming. "Well to fall in love, you must have feelings for someone and care for them. You must enjoy being around them. You must only want the best for them."

Alfred nodded, understanding and taking in every word Arthur was saying. "Oh. So what else would you do?"

Arthur continued. "Well... You hang out a lot, sometimes couples in love fight but its always a playful fight. They don't mean it and no one gets hurt. Lets see... They kiss and give each other gifts I suppose."

Alfred smiles brightly. "Thanks dude! I think I have it now! I'll go now. But I'll see you around, yeah? Bye dude!"

Before Arthur could speak another word the demon disappeared out the door and vanished.

Arthur didn't really want to see the demon and help him with his situation but it was the only way he could learn from a dark creature. Or a supposedly dark creature.


Hello xD well this chapter wasn't serious. So yeah, thank you so much for reading! I've just changed the plot on this story >:3 MWAHAHAHA

Thanks again for reading!

A Demon and His Brit. ((Demon!America x Human!England.))Where stories live. Discover now