A Demon and His Brit: A Demon?

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It was the Demon but he was... Different. He had the same hair as the demon, even that annoying piece of hair that stuck up but this boys hair was dark blonde not black. He had the same jacket but it was brown not black. He didn't have horns, wings or a tail. He had the glasses and the same blue eyes as the Demon in Arthur's dream. Was it really a dream? Arthur realised he was staring.

"What? Do you see something you like?" The boy smirked. He had the same voice as the demon.

Arthur finally spoke. "D-do I know you?"


"What the bloody hell is 'maybe?' I asked a simple yes or no question!"

"Dude you don't have to get angry. I'm Alfred." He smiled standing up from a seat and started walking towards Arthur.

Arthur nodded. "And my names Arthur... I'm the head student and I was told to show you around."

"Kay great dude! I was told I'd be in your class until try sort out mine"

" oh okay then... So where do

you want to go first?"

"I just want to go outside and fall asleep. The plane trip was long and I didn't get much sleep."

"School isn't a bloody place to sleep!"

" I know, it's just for today Kay?"Alfred picked up his bag and was walking out the door before Arthur could respond.

"Wait! At least let me go with you so you don't get lost."

"Kay thanks dude!"

They both walked out to the pond. It was a man made pond and had about a twenty meter radius of grass surrounding it. Luckily it was spring and it hasn't rained in weeks. They decided to sit on the ground. They just sat there in silence.

"So..." Arthur finally spoke breaking the awkward silence. "What part of America are you from?"

"Washington." Alfred said smiling.

Arthur nodded. Now Alfred decided to speak.

"so what are you interested in?"

Arthur looked at Alfred, a little surprised. "Well nothing much really..."

"What about demons?"

Arthur's eyes' widened "wh-what a silly question! Who honesty likes demons?!"

Alfred smirked, holding up a book about demons and creatures similar to them.

"W-where did you get that?!" Arthur thought he was going to die from embarrassment. It was his book but how did Alfred get it?

"Dude I took it out of your bag when you weren't looking. You seriously didn't notice? What is this book anyway? It's written in a different language."

"It's nothing now give it back!"

"But it has pictures of demons and even a pentagram. Is it a spell book to summon a demon or something?"

"Why the bloody hell would you think that now give it back!" Arthur reached over and snatched it out of the other boys hand.

"Kay dude. I was just curious... It looks pretty cool."

"...okay but don't tell anyone... It's like a book about demons, vampires and stuff like that... I know you're going to think that I'm the Devil or something."

Alfred laughed "Na you're not the Devil! Anyway I think it's interesting."

Arthur's face lit up. "R-really?"

Alfred nodded and smiled at the Brit."yeah you should teach me about it if you don't mind... I don't really know much about it but I'd like to learn more"

"Of course I will! It's not everyday I found someone who's interested in... Well 'odd' things"

They both smiled. Arthur checked his watch. It was 8:45 am. "We better head for the first class if we want to get there in time. It's in section A so it'll take a while."

"Sure dude!" Alfred said jumping up. It seemed he wasn't tired anymore. Arthur noticed this but he chose to ignore it.

On the way to class they passes groups of students who seemed to be looking at Alfred and whispering every so often in their groups. The two were just about to walk inside when three girls walked up to them.

"Hey are are you new here?" The girl with obvious dyed blond hair asked.

"Yep!" Alfred said smiling.

The three girls giggled. The girl with blond hair spoke again. " hehe my names Laura~ you're really cute! Do you have a girlfriend?" The three girls giggled again.

Alfred didn't even seemed surprised by the question. He was about to answer when Arthur pulled his arm and dragged him inside. Arthur didn't know what took over him. Maybe it was because he was obviously being ignored or... He just didn't want Alfred to get his heart broken by those girls.

"Hey! I was talking to them!" Alfred shouted but he didn't seem angry.

"They are nothing but bloodthirsty savages who just want to talk to you because you're 'cute'."

"Oh but come on! They were pretty!"

"I don't care! Don't ever talk to them! They just want to sleep with you for one night an then go off bragging about it and go find the next victim!"

Alfred smirked. " why are you so worried about me?"

Arthur blushed slightly. "... B-because I don't want you to get hurt because of sluts like them..."

Arthur turned to walk away when Alfred grabbed his arm to stop him from going anywhere and hugged him from behind.

"Wow thank you dude! You're so cute caring about me!"

Arthur felt his face redden. "Hey l-let go of me! What the bloody hell did you call me!? Bloody wanker! We have to get to class! Idiot!"

Alfred let go and started walking ahead of Arthur. "Haha then lets go dude!"

They both began to make their way to the first class, English. The teacher Mrs. Sheehan asked for Alfred to stand up and talk about himself for a while.

"Hey! My names Alfred Jones! I lived in Washington in the USA all my life. My parents just moved here for a while. I'm seventeen. I like video games and scary movies. I also like sport like baseball and America football!"

By that time everyone had stopped listening to the loud and very annoying American, except for the girls who honestly didn't care what he was saying, they just wanted him to talk more. Arthur noticed Laura close her eyes and sighing happily. It was a real pain to put up with her in this class but what'll she be like with Alfred around? Arthur would end up killing her!

"Idiots..." Arthur sighed as Alfred went on and on about his life and interests.


Yay~ I did this all on my phone and it has autocorrection so I'm sorry if its weird. Also I did most of this in PE class in my emo corner which had Internet! I'm kind of stuck for ideas but I just added a new character... Laura. She'll be in it later I think you know... Being a bitch. Anyway thank you so so much and I luffle you all!! <3

A Demon and His Brit. ((Demon!America x Human!England.))Where stories live. Discover now