Thicker than water

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          "Don't you dare speak about her like she is some kind of curse to you." Alfred's thick hair blocked most of his expression, aiding the fear Arthur had. The Brit began to take cautious steps back, even though he knew this action would be in vain if the demon chooses to attack, though it gave him some peace at mind.

"It's not like she meant anything to you, anyway. You were too young to realise how important she is." Arthur could feel a heavy weight pull on his heart, dragging it down as his arteries slowly ripped open and his body began to fill with blood, and if he opened his mouth, the blood would rush past his teeth. That's what he felt.

The feeling of blood soon boiled and gave rise to a wave of rage. The blood rushed to his face, his veins pulsing from the intense pressure. He was scared, but felt invincible for this brief moment of intense emotion. He clenched his fist before building up to courage to make a move. Arthur began to walk towards the other with confidence. "What did you just say?" The Brit felt like he could take on god them self, and this useless, unimportant demon is nothing compared to them. The next move happened in a flash, Arthur swung his fist, which was immediately stopped by Alfred. The grip around the Brits wrist was tight and burned, Alfred's skin was unusually hot. Arthur swung with his second hand and without any effort at all, Alfred stopped it. Arthur's vision focused on the others face. Alfred's eyes shone, his expression fierce and harsh before softening, a worried look now settled on his face.

"Arthur?" Alfred's human form now took over, his horns disappeared as he turned back into the sweet young adult he was before. "Arthur are you okay?" Alfred's grip around his wrists loosened. Arthur brought his hand up to his face, wiping his nose with the back of his hand before looking. His vision was blurred but he could make out heavy clumps of black clots surrounded by loose, liquid blood. He could only hear a faint mumble from the other before he closed his eyes, his body too heavy to support itself.



I had sex when a play through of skyrim was on

A Demon and His Brit. ((Demon!America x Human!England.))Where stories live. Discover now