Not your fault.

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But no matter how hard he cried, he was still all alone on this Earth.

There was the awkward silence again that whispered in Arthur's ears after he cried. His running nose was somehow dry and stuffed as it merged into his sinus. His whole face felt swollen and puffy with patches of red covering him. His whole world seemed like it was being viewed from a TV who's HDMI cable was just slightly out of place. The fuzziness and unclear view was fitting at least. He felt like his brain was outside in the garden, rolling in it's own faeces while his body stays in bed with Alfred, remaining with just a silent and gentle "oh".

Alfred was still holding onto the human he was so fond of, letting Arthur spill his emotions out and allowing himself to be used as a means of comfort. He let out a long and warn breath, uttering a low murdered sound of contentment. " Every sky is blue, but not for me and you."

Arthur let out a little sigh, a small grin creeping up on his face as he did so. He sat up and looked at Alfred below him through glassy eyes.

I believed that everyone in this world was far nicer and smarter than me. That no matter how unlikeable they seemed to be, they still had a good conscience and had justifiable circumstances for acting the way they did. That’s why I hated myself for being so timid and depressed when I didn’t even have any good reason for doing so. …But now I see that there actually are people who’re despicable in every way and don’t blink twice at ruining another’s life. Now that I think about it, it’s almost strange. Why don’t most people try to kill other people? How can they just stand by and let the scum have their way without the slightest indifference? Maybe my expectations were too high. I’m only disappointed because I expected something from them. But the answer was quite simple all along. There’s no such thing as a decent human being in this world.

"I wonder why it is, that people fall in love with others? I think that to seek out love even when you already have a nice family is being greedy. No matter how much you like another person, you can never be with that person forever." Arthur's low voice sounded hollow, ghost like.
"But I dislike that. I feel like now that I've gotten older I'm scared of losing even the smallest and unimportant things in life. But the thing is, it feels like since I was born I've started to decay. I'm losing pieces of myself day after day after day."

Alfred exhaled a warm breath, nodding a little. "I know. The past will catch you up as you run faster."

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Brain shit is some experience with cocaine and MDMA

Art is mine

I still want to die ha jokes on yall

A Demon and His Brit. ((Demon!America x Human!England.))Where stories live. Discover now