A Demon and His Brit: Only Colour

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Arthur couldn't wait any longer. He had to see Alfred. He had to see the Demon. He reluctantly hurried home, knowing what fate awaits him. But he had to go. Maybe he was crazy even considering looking for the demon, but he didn't care.

It wasn't long before he arrived at his apartment. He opened the door, cautiously, slowly stepping inside. He examined the first room.


He went to check his bedroom. He carefully looked around for anything, anything that was out of the ordinary. He sighed as he found nothing. He laid on his bed and rubbed his temples, feeling a headache coming from all his worrying and confusion.

"Well hello." a voice, one which Arthur recognised, said happily. Arthur turned his head to the door. There he was. Alfred. The Demon, though in human form. He smirked and leant against the door frame, his arms crossed, like he was in charge and this was /his/ accommodation.

"Wh-what are you bloody doing here!?" Arthur could barely get the words out as he was still surprised about Alfred actually finding his apartment.

"Well aren't we forgetful. I told you I'd come here didn't I?" The smirk never lifted off his face.

Arthur felt slightly annoyed as he sat up, facing Alfred. "So... Now that you're here and quite frankly, I don't want to know how you managed to find me and get in but anyway... Are you the demon I saw last night?"

His smirk grew. "Maybe..."

Arthur scowled. "can you just bloody answer me?! I'm getting fed up of 'maybe' I just want the truth! Okay?! The bloody truth! "

"Aww. But that ruins the fun~ I like to keep 'em guessing" Alfred walked over and sat beside Arthur, who looked like he was about to slap Alfred.

Arthur took a deep breath. "... What can I do that'll make you tell the truth?"

Alfred looked a little surprised. "Hm? You really want to know that badly, huh?"

Arthur nodded.

Alfred smirk found itself on his lips once again. " ... How 'bout a kiss?~"

Arthur felt his cheeks turn red. "what the bloody hell?!"

Alfred laughed. He found it funny how cute Arthur looked when he was confused or frustrated. In this case he was both. Arthur furrowed his eyebrows. Looking even more confused as Alfred's smirk turned into a smile.

Alfred couldn't help it. He leaned closer to the other until he was just about an inch away. Arthur looked even more confused than ever now but he did not flinch. Alfred closed his eyes and pressed his lips against Arthurs'.

Arthur froze. He didn't know how to react. He wanted to hit Alfred but he also wanted this Kiss to last. Alfred had no intention on pulling away and he put his arms around Arthur, holding him close and kissing him more passionately.

Arthur had enough. He squirmed, attempting to be released from Alfred's hold.

Alfred didn't react and continued to kiss the boy.

Arthur tried again and tried to push Alfred off.

No luck.

He tried to speak.

"Al.. Fred... S-stop!" He found it difficult to talk and difficult to catch his breath.

Still, Alfred didn't respond. Arthur tried again. "Stop it... right ... Now!"

Before he knew it Alfred had him pinned onto the bed.

Alfred pulled away. His smirk gone. An expressionless emotion on his face. Arthur on the other hand was blushing darkly and felt many emotions. He felt confused and angry, but at the same time found and happy.

Arthur tried to talk but the words got tied up. He finally managed to speak. "Wh-what the bloody hell was that?! I told you to bloody stop, wanker! Let go of me!"

Alfred's smirk found its way back onto his face. "What? You liked it, didn't you? You didn't want me to stop."

Arthur thought for a moment. Picking his words carefully " I-I told you to stop and you didn't!"

Alfred's smirk grew and he straddled the smaller boy, pinning Arthur's hands above his head. "... But you liked it."

Arthur blushed darkly and squirmed, attempting to knock Alfred off. "U-unhand me bloody git!"

Alfred gave a small chuckle. "What will you do if I don't let go?"

Arthur looked annoyed and furrowed his brows. "I'll bloody kill you!"

Arthur shot daggers with his eyes at Alfred.

Alfred looked Arthur in the eyes, a slightly sly look on his face. "You can't kill me."

"Wh-what makes you think that!" Arthur was staring to lose it.

"You know why..." Alfred covered Arthur's eyes with one hand, the other still holding Arthur's hands above his head.

Alfred then removed his hands slowly. "Because... I'm the Demon King..."

Arthur's emerald eyes widened when he got his vision back. It was the demon. Alfred didn't have the disguise. Covered in complete darkness. His sky blue eyes the only colour.

Wtf is up with my titles now I don't even know. Anyway I'm so sorry this is really late and gaaaahhh D: I hope you like it anyway and thank you all for your support!~

Meow meow.

Oh my god I was going over this for mistakes because the " keeps coming up as ' quot' and I found I said 'Arthur shit daggers' oh my god what the bloody hell I can't stop laughing xD oh god if there's any mistakes you can tell me. Haha I'm an idiot

A Demon and His Brit. ((Demon!America x Human!England.))Where stories live. Discover now