Chapter 10

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Scarlette: Where are u
Me: I'm at home. Where are you?
Scarlette: Steve's class

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, wondering who Steve is. It's not like I know everyone's first name, especially my teachers.

Me: Who's Steve?
Scarlette: Steve Harvey
Scarlette: He saw my phone
Scarlette: Might skip

I laugh, lighty, at the chaos of her texts. We've been texting since six this morning and it's now noon. Scarlette complained about getting a ride from Jackson, her classes, and how she heard we had spaghetti for lunch. I, on the other hand, updated her on the Disney movies I was watching. I'm on movie three, and it's Pinnochio.

Me: Don't skip, you'd get in trouble.

It takes a while for Scarlette to reply, giving me time to get a bag of Sun chips.

Scarlette: Too late
Scarlette: I already got past the office

I shake my head with a small smile. Scarlette is going to do Scarlette, regardless of what I tell her. She wants to skip school? She'll do it. She wants to street race at the butt crack of dawn? She'll do it. She wants to eat cold, leftover pizza from Armadillo's Arcade? She'll do it.

Some of her actions and decisions aren't the best, but I still can't help but envy her. Scarlette does what she wants, not letting what people think bother her. She lives her life to the fullest, enjoying what her teenage years have to offer. I can't say the same about me. I'm pushed out of my thoughts from a ringing sound. It's Scarlette. I hastily pick up my phone while clearing my throat.


"Hey, sweetheart. What you doing?"

I smile.

"I'm eating chips."

Scarlette hums on the other end of the line- the sound of cars passing and wind whipping through the air being heard. I eat two more chips, my attention slowly going back to the movie playing on my TV. There's a faint clicking sound, making me think she hung up the call. I glance at my phone to see she's still there, but not speaking.

"Did you mean to hang up, but forget?" I ask, humming at the deliciousness of my snack. There's no immediate answer which makes me think Scarlette forgot about me and put her phone in her pocket. I don't want to be the one to hang up, so I put my phone on speaker before setting it back next to me.

I get halfway through my movie when she finally speaks. It wasn't me she was talking to though. She's speaking kind of fast to someone, the conversation lasting an entire five minutes. Maybe I should end the call.

"Still there, sweetheart?"

"Yes," I answer, my hands instantly going to pick up my phone. Wow, calm down Nolan.

"Your parents home?"

"No, they're out doing business. I've been home alone all day," I don't know why I include that extra information, but I do.

"I'm coming to pick you up. Be ready in ten minutes."

I nod, knowing she can't see me, then freeze. I take a moment to process her previous words, my eyes soon bulging out of my head. What!? What does she mean be ready in ten minutes? She's picking me up?

"Did you hear me?"

"I-I heard you," I stutter out, "why are you picking me up?"

There's a couple of noises, and the start of a car that sends me flying out of my bed. My phone is still on speaker, so I leave it on my bed. I pull open my closet doors so fast, I don't notice the way they vibrate from the sudden force. Is she on her way to my home right now? She didn't say what we were doing...

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