Chapter 26

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I've never had my parents question or ask about my love life. I never had a love life for them to ask about. Not until this afternoon, in the family room, did my mom interrupt Law & Order again. Her body blocks the TV with my dad at her side. A familiar sense of Deja Vu hits me, and I quickly mute the show. They sit on a love seat in front of me, my mom facing me with a kind smile.

"Hi..." I sit up, my brows furrowed in true confusion, "is this another serious family reunion?"

My mom laughs, completely waving off my question at first. Dad gets comfortable beside her, a rather neutral look on his face. It's like it settled on there one day and is now forever permanent. You never know what he's thinking anymore; his face expressions used to tell it all. He's the opposite of what he was before.

"We just want to catch up with you, hon. See how you're doing, and what life's been like for you lately."

"Okay..." is my response to my mom's enthusiastic gestures.

She's a little different too- ever since my embarrassing outburst. More open is the way I'd describe it. Like she was before. There's not much tension in her body when she's around dad. She's relaxing again, and she's almost... caring. It's not all about pleasing dad anymore. I try not to smile at the thought of them trying. False hope is one's greatest enemy.

"First, Nolan," mom turns serious, her once friendly smile, gone. "Your father and I want to apologize."

Apologize? These definitely aren't my parents. Cant be!  I must've came back to a different dimension. Something.


"Yes?" I immediately snap out of my weird thoughts, my focus settled back on my parents that look worried and sort of uncomfortable.

"We said we're sorry. I'm sorry, hon. For treating you like you weren't my son and not listening to how you felt. For...taking your dad's side in things when we both know he was in the wrong. Your feelings were valid. They still are valid, and I won't forget that again."

My body goes rigid at the sudden apology, not expecting it to sound so sincere. I look to my dad who's eyes soften a bit at the sight of me. His neutral facade fades as he takes in a deep breath. I don't know what to expect from him. Well, actually, I do. A simple 'I'm sorry' and maybe an acknowledging head nod if I'm really lucky.

"Nolan, son. I...apologize for my behavior towards you. I've been thinking these past few days about what you said, and you're right. I haven't been acting like how a father should. There's no excuse that can make up for it, so I won't try to come up with one."

My eyes widen at the apology that proved to be more than two words and a head nod. Mom looks to him approvingly which causes him to smile over at her, before focusing back on me. I don't look or cower away from him like I usually would. Instead, I wait.

"I just want you to be okay. I want you to have a successful life and a good family without anything tainting that. So, I monitored your friends and your activities. I controlled them. I shouldn't have. I'm sorry that I did, son. I can only hope to gain your forgiveness and trust back."

I want to give them my forgiveness and trust. To have them as my parents again, and mend a forgotten bond called family. Unfortunately, it can't be that simple and easy. Easy peasy lemon squeezy would be a lie. Somewhere in my mind I'll have the long-term memories of my dad scaring me, or degrading me. Of making me feel like I'm not his son. Mom seems fine, but a smile can hide some things. I wonder how she feels...

"Thank you," I say, pushing out the rational side for once. "Your apologies mean a lot to me, but it'll take time to fully forgive you guys and be like how we were before."

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