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When the quinjet lands on the Helicarrier, Steve and Coulson step off the jet, approaching a smaller redhead. "Agent Romanoff. Captain Rogers." Steve eyes the woman with a nod.


"Hi." She looks over at Phil. "They need you on the bridge. Face time." Coulson nods. "See you there." He walks away, as the two begin to walk into the helicarrier. "That was quite the buzz around here, finding you in the ice. I thought Coulson was gonna swoon. Did he ask you to sign his Captain America trading cards yet?" Steve frowns in confusion.

"Trading cards?"

"They're vintage, he's very proud." As they approach, Bruce Banner looks around nervously. "Dr. Banner?" Bruce turns to Steve, who shakes his hand. "Oh, yeah. Hi. They told me you'd be coming." Steve lets his hand go, and stares intently.

"Word is you can find the cube."

"Is that the only word one me?"

"Only word I care about." Bruce takes in the sentiment. "Must be strange for you, all of this."

"Gentlemen, you may wanna step inside a minute. It's gonna get a little hard to breathe." The helicarrier began to rise and Bruce visibly become more nervous. "Is this a submarine?" Steve asks. "Really? They want me in a pressurized metal container?"


"Hey, Agent Danvers, I need you to get a look at this." An agent approaches her, and shows her a tablet of some information she was getting on a personal matter. "Yeah, thanks. I'll-I'll see you later?" The agent nods, scurrying off as she could hear Natasha's soft voice entering the control room. "Romanoff?!" Natasha sees her, trying to acting professional as she speed walks towards her friend.

"You can show affection, nobody will make fun of you. I promise." Natasha smiles endearingly, patting her on the shoulder. "How are you holding up?" Kara asks with a serious expression. The woman simply shakes her head, trying to hide her emotion. "I don't know what you mean."

"Clint and Diana, that's what I mean. Last I heard, she was taking you to Italy. What happened to that, Natty? I know you didn't want to leave her, and now her and one of your best friends is probably being mind fucked. You can talk to me, ya know." Natasha clenches her jaw as she looks away, and at a picture of the two on a screen.

"We're sweeping every wirelessly accessible camera on the planet. Cellphones, laptops. If it's connected to a satellite, it's eye's and ears for us." Coulson announces. "That's still not gonna find them in time." Natasha says. Banner looks at Coulson, before speaking up.

"You have to narrow the field. How many spectrometers do you have access to?" He asks, his attention now on Fury. "How many are there?" Fury asks.

"Call every lab you know. Tell them to put the spectrometers on the roof, and calibrate them for gamma rays. I'll rough out a tracking algorithm base on cluster recognition. At least we could rule out a few places. Do you have somewhere for me to work?"

"Agent Romanoff, would you show Dr. Banner to his laboratory, please?" Natasha nods, and looks at Bruce. She nods towards where they came from, and began to walk off with him. Steve looks over at Kara, who was no checking her watch nervously. A frown forms as he walks over to her.

"Danvers?" Kara looks up at the man with a small smile. "Rogers."

"You seem different." She nods with a look of amusement. "Yeah." They stand in an awkward silence, until Steve speaks up again. "You built this place?" He looks around the room with curiosity. "If you mean this specific helicarrier, I did help install the reflective mirrors." She smirks, crossing her arms over her chest.

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