Chapter 37

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It was hilarious to see Hideo and Akiko's disgusted faces. The bottle was spun and I stopped at Emily and she fearlessly chose dare.

My adventurous Emily! You go girl. The dare was
'Choose a person in the room and lick the cream from his/her face.'

My mouth dropped after hearing the Dare. Woah! That's tough and embarrassing! I wouldn't have the guts to do that!  I thought.

Emily blushed a bit and then pointed towards Alex. Of course. It was obvious!  The best partner to lick was Alex! oh that sounded gross! But it was romantic as well!

He was asked to sit on the chair and I put some cream on his face.  He was too ready to do this task. He put some cream on his neck as well.  Emily slapped his arm at this and He chuckled.

Emily completed the task very well, I would say. Alex got a shower of kisses that day.  Everyone was laughing at Alex's satisfied reaction. He was too happy to get the cream licked like this.  Emily was red when she had completed the dare.

She acted boldly but she was embarrassed as well. She sat beside me and hid her face behind my back.

Everyone laughed at her sudden embarrassment. I consoled her by patting her shoulder.

Next, the bottle spun and stopped at Defne, she chose truth so Akiko asked her a question, "If you have to go on a date with any one of us in the room, who would it be and why?"

She glanced at everyone in the room and then turned her head to Minho. She blushed and then said, "I would love to go on a date with Minho. He is just my type."

Damn you Defne! But you aren't his type! I clenched my teeth. Well, what can I even do? Why am I even angry? I am not his girlfriend.
But still! I want to shout in her ear and announce, that Minho is out of your league! But then I thought, he is out of my league as well! Then sobbed a bit at this thought. All this was happening in my head. Outside I was smiling but inside it was a volcano of emotions erupting.

Minho smiled at this but didn't say anything. Everyone tried to ignore it and moved on with the game. This time, it was Minho.
He chose Truth.

Huh? I was expecting he'll choose Dare but then I thought what if he got the dare of kissing the person beside you and what if he kissed Defne. Ugh! Even the thought of it irritates me. Well then, it's good that he chose truth.

Do you like someone? Emily asked him,
He quickly replied, "Yes."

That's it. Explain a bit!!  I was shouting inside.

Emily said, "Who?"

He cleverly replied, "but only one question needs to be asked. You are asking two."

Emily couldn't say anything to that and we moved on.

Then it was Akiko's turn, he chose dare and the dare was,

"Pretend the mop is your guitar, give a stage show performance."

He stood up and while pretending the mop as a guitar gave a wonderful performance. Everyone cheered for him. I didn't know he sang so well. It was the first time in my life that I was impressed by him. We all applauded his wonderful performance. While he was performing I was smiling a lot and clapped. I unconsciously glanced at Minho and he was looking at me. When our eyes met, he quickly looked away.

Does he want to say something? I thought. Why is he looking at me like that? I wondered.

Next was me! And I chose to guess what? I chose dare! I was thinking of choosing the truth but then I don't know why but I chose dare.

The dare was pole dancing! ugh! I don't even know how to do that. So I refused to do that and instead chose to drink the liquor. Emily protested at this and said, "hey that's not fair, you should do what you got!"

I replied, "But you are the one who said if you don't want to do the dare you can drink the liquor and I am doing that. Even though I don't want to drink this but I know it would be unfair to others so I'll drink it." I stuck my tongue out to tease her more.

But just when I was about to drink it Minho took the glass from my hand and drank it in one gulp.

Everyone was surprised and Defne was pissed.

Minho didn't say anything but I was happy that he cared about me. He knew I didn't want to drink so he drank in my place and I was satisfied to see Defne pissed. hehe.

Next was Alex's turn. He chose truth and Hideo asked him, "How did you meet your first crush?"

He replied, "My first crush and my first girlfriend was Ravon.  I met her in college. Defne knows her. I fell in love with her at first sight and proposed to her. She accepted my proposal and we started dating but after 2 weeks of dating, I realized she dated me just because I was the most popular guy in the class. She was actually cheating on me. One day, I coincidentally saw her kissing a guy in a restaurant.
When I confronted her the next day, she blamed me for being too controlling and dumped me. She was the one who was cheating but I was dumped. I was very upset because I liked her a lot but whatever she told me was a lie.

She left after dumping me. I was heartbroken I sat there shaken. Confused about what to do next. Her indifferent attitude towards me hurt me. At the restaurant in which she dumped me, Emily was present there. She gave me a tissue and consoled me. From there I started talking to Emily more and here we are. Happily dating." Emily blushed at this.

Alex continued, "I would have married her till now but Emily wants to make her career so I am waiting for her to reach her life goal and come back to me so that I can propose to her once again!"

Everyone hooted at this. Emily once again hid her face behind her back as I whispered, "You are lucky girl Emily!"

She whispered back, "I know and it feels like a dream."

(⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧Author's note: Updating this one because a cute reader reminds me every weekend and shows her support. Thank you love(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤

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