Good Luck

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2 months later at a SHIELD base

"WE NEED THIS INFORMATION AND WE NEED IT NOW!", Agent Coulson yelled at the interrogator.

"I'm sorry sir. I've used every method I know. We have used 4 different people.", he replied.

"Well then why don't we have it yet!", he continued.

"Everyone cracks sometime," he said. "It will just take time."

"WELL THAT'S TIME WE DONT HAVE!", Coulson yelled again. He stormed out of the room leaving the interrogator speechless. He walked to the HQ room balcony, looking at all the data agents on the computers with the big screen with maps and charts in front of them. Agent Truman walked up beside him and rested his arms on the railing.

"No luck, I'm assuming," Truman said.

"We're the top government agency in the world. We know everybody's secrets. And what can we NOT do? Crack one of our own agents turned traitor in a decent amount of time.", Coluson said sighing.

"Fields was one of our best agents. Who knew she could be bribed to turn on us. No one thought she would be the one who sold information," he replied.

"Well we can't do anything about that now. But what we can do is figure out who she sold it to," Coulson said. "But she knows every trick in our book."

Truman stood and stared in thought. Suddenly he took a deep breath and said, "I have an idea. But it's risky."

"Risky is our best option right now. Who do you got?", Coulson said.

"More than risky, actually. It might now even work. But it's our best chance," he said.

"What do you mean more than risky?", Coulson said following him down the hallway.

"Subject 27. Previously a candidate for the Index. Recently her supervisor has been laid off."

"You're kidding. Not Fields."

"Yes Fields. But the real issue is if she can do it and if she'd be willing to come."

"Alright, well, how old is this she. Most powers only show up in the middle ages."

Truman stopped and turned to look at Coulson. "15." Coulson raised his eyebrows. Truman turned and walked to his office. "I know what you're thinking," he called behind his shoulder. "But she's our best shot."

Truman handed him a drive. "Here's all the info you need on her. Take your team. But don't scare her. It might now turn out well," he said.

"I'll take the bait," Coulson said. He turned and walked out of the office, heading toward his.

"Good luck".

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