Walking Lie Detector

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I heard Fitz and Simmons's voices fade as they stopped talking. I heard the door open and I looked up as they both walked into the medical cubicle.

Simmons paused and proceeded to pull up a chair next to me. I sat up straight as Fitz went to stand beside her.

"Um...Lucy," she began. "I'm guessing you would like us to explain what just happened?"

I nodded in reply.

"Well, first off I might add your brain is extraordinary," she said gesturing to the virtual image of my brain on the screen to my left. "Your fluctuating nerves are performing beautifully and everything seems to be in working order."

"Good?", I said questioningly.

Simmons paused and took a deep breath before continuing. She looked nervous. Well not exactly nervous. Just a bit shaken up. Like she couldn't find the words.

"Yes. Very, she continued, "Anyways, your CT scans picked up large amounts floruscine. Do you know what that is?"

I raised my eyebrows. "Do I look like I know what that is?".

I saw Fitz smile. He began to speak. "Well, floruscine is the cellulose that sends signals throughout the brain, allowing you to think, move, and talk. However, your body keeps its levels in moderation." He glanced at Simmons.

"Yes, but, you have excessive amounts of it. Nothing we, or mankind really, know of can really cause you to produce above normal rates of the cellulose," Simmons finished.

"So, can you fix me?", I said.

"No no, I'm sorry for the confusion", Simmons said politely. "You don't need fixing. There's nothing wrong with you. You just have abnormal levels of different things."

"When there is overactive amounts of floruscine, your brain activity is stimulated. This allows you to think faster, solve problems faster, move faster, all of the above. Coulson explained what that allows you to do, correct?", Fitz said.

"Yes," I replied. "I just have a developed thought process that allows me to notice small changes and factors."

"Exactly", they both said at the same time.

"Now, all brain activity heightens when you get an adrenaline rush. It happens in everyone. When you feel excited, nervous, or are in pain, your brains lights up with activity. Here," Simmons said. "Watch the screen and pinch yourself."

I pinched the side of my finger and the virtual brain lit up with color and light.

"Whoa," I whispered.

"Now, the eyes send the most signals to the brain. They allow you to see colors, light, depth, and every thing else. The hormone that gives your eyes their normal color is called iendas. Because your levels are floruscine are hightened, more amounts of iendas are sent to the iris's in your eyes. That, combined with your stimulated brain activity from adrenaline, allows your eyes to glow rainbow colors," Fitz said.

It makes sense, I thought. When Katy took that snapshot, she had scared me. That morning I was late, I was rushing and nervous. I few minutes ago, I was frightened.

"Do you know why my floruscine levels are high?", I asked.

"No," Simmons replied, "Not yet, anyway. But we are working to figure it out. What we do know is that it has something to do with your genetics. It may have been passed down from your lineage, or the combination of your parents was just the right formula for the mutation."

"Is that what I am? A mutant? A mistake in evolution?", I asked tensely.

"No no, of course not. It's just an expression," she said comfortingly.

The Snapshot {An Agents of Shield Fanficton} [1]Where stories live. Discover now