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Reading the file over Field's nephew wasn't the easiest thing to do that day.

Thankfully my headache had subsided but I still needed some silence to concentrate. Since we were back in D.C, there wasn't much else to go that was secluded, so I stayed on the Bus. I found a quiet space in the back behind the cot slots. I sat and opened the file on my crossed legs.

Staring at me was that picture again. It was a sweet, smiling boy with sandy blonde hair and bright green eyes.

Fields, Ethan J.
DOB: April 16th, 2007
DOD: September 4th, 2015

He was only 8.

I read on. The file was full of useless information like his school, awards, achievements, sports, and legal guardians. I flipped on to the last page, his death report.
Connected was a police report on a store robbery. I skimmed over it. It was a convenience store that had been robbed. Apparently a lone, masked man had held a gun to the cashier and demanded the money. But, the police arrived before he could get out. I continued skimming. The police couldn't follow him because the street mysteriously froze over as he ran off. It apparently also caused the freezing of a nearby intersection, resulting in many car crashes. They never caught they guy.

I flipped to the next page. On it was a picture of a blue car. Or at least I think it was blue. I couldn't tell, because it was completely totaled and smashed to pieces. It was an accident report.

The owner and driver of the car was Houston Fields, who had survived the crash. The accident occurred at the intersection next to the store the day of the robbery, right as the police arrived. I looked back at the picture. The street was frozen over underneath the car. The report mentioned the passenger of the car...Ethan Fields. I began to read the demographics of his death, but stopped when I reached the words through the windshield and broken neck. I sighed and closed the file.

That's why she hates inhumans. That's why she went after Peter. Fields hates the inhuman partially responsible for Ethan's death, and this is the only way she can get back at him. By punishing his kind all together.

I thought about her alias, Peter's supervisor. He's been brought in, so he knows he's been made. But he's most likely still denying his involvement, unless until they have proven evidence against him. I also thought about Dr. Snow. She undoubtedly was working with him and they worked together to get him out of the Sandbox, even as impossible as that could have been. You don't just steal a person from SHIELD.

I heard voices across the line of rooms. I stood up and took the file, moving over to the couch instead of my awkward position on the floor. Skye walked into the room, her bright face smiling when she saw me.

"Lucy! I was just on my way to see you. How are you feeling?" She said as she sat on the foot of the couch I was on.

"Better," I replied.

"That's good. Simmons was really worried after that...whatever that was."

I shrugged. "I feel fine. But Coulson doesn't seem to think that's enough."

She looked confused. "What do you mean?"

"He's hell bent on sending me home."

"What? That's ridiculous. You're fine now! And this case is far from closed," she said.

I nodded. "I know. I'm hoping he'll come around. But, we have more pressing matters." I opened the file and turned it around in my lap so she could see it.

She was silent for a few moments as she read it. "Fields's nephew?"

I nodded. She looked back at it and flipped through. "He was killed by an inhuman?"

The Snapshot {An Agents of Shield Fanficton} [1]Where stories live. Discover now