I Promised

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I stood staring at the door, my eyes wide.
Something's wrong. Something is very, very wrong.

Coulson slowly lowered his hand and stared at me. "What is it?," he asked.

I stood there breathing rapidly. I didn't know exactly what was behind that door. But I could feel fear and anticipation. And it wasn't mine. It felt foreign to me. It was a sort of sixth sense that commanded me not to open that door. I opened my mouth the speak and reached my hand out to the door, but then closed it and redrew my hand. I turned to Coulson.

"Swipe it," I said, gesturing to his hand.

He held it up, worry in his eyes. "Are you sure?"

I nodded. No, I'm not sure.

He swiped his card and the light on the side of it turned green. The door however remained idle, waiting to be opened. I swallowed.

"Kick it down," I said, staring at the door.


I turned to him. "Kick it down, then get flat against the wall."

He looked at me, confused. "I don't-"

"Just trust me," I cut him off. "I'm...something is going to happen. Just do it."

Coulson shook his head and hesitated, but then prepped himself to do as I had asked. I stepped to the left of the door and pressed myself flat against the wall. He looked and me and nodded, then stepped forward a few feet and planted a hard kick in the center. It swung open rather easily with a loud bang. Within a second Coulson was pressed flat beside me.

We both peered into the open room, only to see the doctor we had conferred with earlier crouched behind a lab table holding a semi-automatic uzi gun, pointing it straight at us. Instantly Coulson placed himself in front of me, drawing his pistol.

"Dr. Snow?!? What is this?," he bellowed.

I squinted at her. Realization had dawned on her and she seemed terrified.  She stood up, placing her gun on the table and lifted her hands slightly up. Her hands and voice shook.

"Agent Coulson? I didn't expect-", she stuttered.

"What's going on?!?," Coulson yelled back, cutting her off.

"I-I can explain...," she began.

I searched the room with my eyes. No one else was present; the assistants were all gone. My gaze came to rest on the screens that had surveyed Peter. Now, the only thing there was an empty chair and an empty room. My breath caught in my throat. He's gone.

"Peter..." I whispered to Coulson. He glanced up at the screens to see what I saw.

Dr. Snow watched as Coulson looked at the screens, realizing he wasn't there. She glanced at her gun on the table. Coulson noticed this.

"Don't do it!," he yelled.

She made a break for her gun, taking it in her hands and bringing it back to face us both.

In an instant a gunshot rang out through the air, and Dr. Snow's face contorted. She collapsed onto the floor. But the shot had not come from in front of me, but behind me.

I whirled around to see Ward slowly stepping towards us, a gun in his hands. Coulson followed my actions.

"You're welcome," Ward said.

"It's good to see you," Coulson said. "Perfect timing." "Lucy, how did you..."

He never finished, because I clutched my head and fell to my knees, clinging to the wall for support. Dr. Snow's consciousness hit me like a wave. It must have been result of me being present during to her death, but even now, I've never experienced anything to compare.

The Snapshot {An Agents of Shield Fanficton} [1]Where stories live. Discover now