The party W/The Wonderland

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Max, Harvey, Harry, Oakley, Nate

*Hope you enjoy!*

*Harvey P.O.V*

For Halloween this year, me and Max are kinda stuck on what to do, basically, it's either sit in watching spooky movies or go to this party we've been invited to. I guess Max wasn't too interested in the party since its not going to be like the sex one we went to last year. I'm not gonna lie, it was pretty hot last year to play around with a bunch of guys but seeing as it's just a normal Halloween party this year, I kinda wanna stay in too, keep Max to myself. We both get all comfy on the sofa, cuddled up about to watch IT when we get a message on our joint account. I don't tend to reply to fans on there because of how long it'd take to reply to everyone but just this once, I decide to.

"Hey, you guys gonna be at this party? Would be cool to hang out with someone else in the music business"

The message reads from The Wonderland.

"Harvey, do you think we should go?"

Max asks, giving me a puppy-eyed look.

"Depends. How intent are you on finding out whether these hot fuckers are gay?"

I smirk, showing Max one of their recent posts, Harry showing himself in a new light, wearing make-up and such a boyish, curly hairstyle.

"Get dressed, let's go"

*Max P.O.V*

Harvey takes us down in the car, we didn't respond to the message in the end, I suggested it might be a nice surprise if they thought we were not coming or cause we were too busy to reply. Arriving at the house, you can already see people dancing on the porch and through the windows all over the stairs. I get out, Harvey closely following behind, we walk in not knowing what to expect. I couldn't see Nate, Harry, or Oakley just yet.

"Meet me at the back, I'll get us some drinks"

Harvey shouts, disappearing into the kitchen.

Heading into the back of the house, someone comes past me, I recognize this guy's trainers from the post. I see it's Oakley, he runs a finger down my neck, whispers "We're all playing a couple of games if you wanna join us upstairs. Don't forget your twin" and then disappears in thin, plain sight. 

"Here, Maxie. Let's try that drinking thing"

Harvey reaches his arm under my arm, and vice versa letting us drink from each other's cups. 

"What is this? Tastes strong"

"It's just Pepsi with a little vodka"

Harvey chuckles, placing his lips on mine, I taste the sweetness of the drink on his lips. We get a little heated, kissing against the wall, in all of the darkness not caring about being seen. That's the beauty of parties, everyone's drunk and don't care what anyone else is doing. I want to take it somewhere else, a couple of games leading to something else could be fun...

"I've got a proposition for you, Harv"


"Oakley may have invited me and you to some private games upstairs, how'd you"

"Let's go!"

Harvey interrupts, taking my hand and leading me up the stairs. Unexpectedly, the second door on the left creaks open, and we see Harry and Oakley making out on the bed, Nate welcomes us in.

"Hey, glad to see you finally made it"

"What's ha"

"Oh, Harry failed the dare from the pumpkin so I got him to make out with Oakley. Man, you two seem lost, come in"

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