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Namjoon informed Jin and Yoongi of Jimin's suggestion immediately upon returning to the main terminal hall and everyone had a quick face palm moment for forgetting about their vehicles. Gathering with the other adults, they informed them of Jimin and Baekhyun's response that dividing the scouts during the move wasn't a possibility if they wanted success.

"Truly...it's not fair to be making a bunch of high schoolers and an incredibly small batch of young adults risk their necks for us while we sit and wait for everything to be handed to us." Jin reflected, nodding his head in agreement with what Namjoon told them Jimin and Baekhyun had said.

"So, now we need to figure out who among us non-scouts will go and get those supplies." Yoongi said. Namjoon hummed in agreement, a thoughtful expression on his face. Jin was about to volunteer himself when Namjoon interjected.

"Sorry hyung but I want to ask that you don't volunteer for this." He said. Jin blinked at him, taken aback.

"Oh. Why not?"

"You've been crucial in supporting the children and helping them prepare; I think you'll be needed to keep them in the best possible state of mind when we leave. In fact, we actually can't risk having too many of us going out to get supplies." Namjoon explained.

"I'm assuming you want to have some kind of buddy scheme with the children then? One adult, two kids, that kind of thing?" Byunhyun queried. Namjoon nodded at him. Byunhyun didn't talk much but he had become something of a silent support pillar, and often had similar trains of thoughts as Namjoon. When he reinforced an idea, it usually worked out well.

"Exactly. At the very least, for every three kids we have, we need an adult as well as a scout on hand because the kids may react unpredictably if anything happens. Hopefully there will be no encounters but just in case." He agreed.

"While that's a good idea, how can we choose who will go out to get supplies and who will go with the kids?" Mr Son asked. Namjoon smoothed out the map the scouts had spent weeks marking.

"The scouts will soon be going through the route to find Ms Ryu's boat on the riverbank. Based on what they feed back regarding the level of difficulty in getting there, we can modify our tactics from there."

"All of them?" Uncle Kang was surprised. Namjoon nodded.

"If they are each to lead a group, then they all must know where they're going. Remember, we will be keeping our verbal comms to a minimum to avoid detection. If they don't all know the way, we're done for."


Baekhyun exhaled. The scouts were going to cover the route to Ms Ryu's boat today. It was the first excursion where all the scouts would be leaving the terminal at a single given time. He was kind of worried.

Though they would be underground for much of the journey, there was a lot of risk with moving in a large group. As well as making it to the Han River, they would need to locate Ms Ryu's boat and bring it as close to their underground route as possible.

None of them even knew how to drive a boat.

Glancing over, Baekhyun paused. Jimin was calm. Way too calm. His expression was neutral as he gazed upon the scouts lined up in front of them. Feeling a lopsided grin tilt his lips, Baekhyun faced forward again. Well, somebody means business.

The plan was to go into the subway in small batches to avoid detection from the zombies that had appeared or returned since the explosion. They would then simulate the process of making their way to the river bank and getting onto the boat. Jimin, Jungkook and Jaehyun would then locate the boat and somehow navigate it as closely as possible to their point of exit in preparation for the move. Jimin opened his mouth.

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