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Surely by now Baekhyun, Jaehyun and Seokmin would be okay? They had to have found safety by now. Scanning his surroundings and realising that he might have to jump to get down, Jimin made the snap second decision that he would rather risk breaking an arm if it meant that he could get away safely. How fast can you run with your arm dangling by your side, Jimin? He nearly snorted at himself.

Spinning on the ball of his foot, he took off on the rooftop, willing himself not to look back. Fortunately, this set of buildings were relatively close together, so jumping the gaps between them wasn't too much of a hassle, but Jimin was sure that he was approaching the end of the street, which meant that he needed to safely get down to the ground so he could keep on the run for his life.

The sound of growling and whining reached his ears as more mutant zombies figured out how to climb the buildings to the roof, giving chase. It sounded like there was quite a bit of gap between them and himself. Good, stay as far away from me as possible. Gunning forward, Jimin kept his eyes on the rooftops ahead of him, wishing that some kind of wall would just land behind him and block the zombies' path.

He was going to run out of rooftop and was quite frankly already out of ideas. Shifting slightly to the side, Jimin tried to assess the situation on the ground while keeping up his pace. He couldn't really see or hear too much due to the rainfall and his heart was in overdrive from trying not to slip off the roof while he ran as fast as he could, but at the very least, it didn't seem like there were many giving chase down there.

With how the zombies had figured how to climb up, Jimin guessed- or hoped- that they hadn't yet figured out how to get down. That was why the rooftops had been their advantage when they went to scout- the zombies had not adapted. Now they had, but if their developmental reasoning was that slow, then all it would take to lose those shark fin menaces would be to disappear from the rooftop.

He reached the last rooftop and sped toward the edge of it as a scent wafted up to him. It wasn't exactly as rancid smelling as the zombies but it definitely smelled off, like rotten meat. Rotten meat? Was this building perhaps a butchers? It made sense if the store keepers had ran away when the outbreak happened without closing up shop. More importantly than that, most butcher stores had a pop out canopy above their storefronts.

...I'm seriously gonna have to jump, he realised with a sinking sensation in his stomach. He had known it before but the reality of it simply wasn't pleasant to come across. Legs still pumping, Jimin found himself praying again that he would make it out of this alive even if he was slightly broken. Allowing his body to keep moving even as the footing beneath him flew away, he shut his eyes as he floundered in the air for two seconds before he became one with the rain, free-falling down to the ground with the momentary though that maybe I should have checked to see if there actually was one.

Jimin's body hit wet, hard, slippery tarp with a solid slam that made him bounce up slightly and he groaned as he attempted to regain something of a breathing rhythm. Well at least there was one. Bracing himself, he rolled over until his body fell once more and collided with the ground, his arms shielding his head as he dropped.

The wind was knocked out him when he landed on his side. For a few seconds, Jimin just laid on the ground, static raging in his ears and rain hammering down on his face. His breath came out dragged, as if he had been holding it in water. When he blinked back to his senses, he did a quick mental check on his body. His whole left side ached but his left thigh felt especially heavy, almost numb.

When he tried to sit up with simple core strength, he found that he couldn't. Wincing from the pain of the impact, he used his tingling arms to pull his body under the canopy, gaining effective, if only temporary, shelter from the rain and from the zombies above.

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