Questions for Quinn

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"Come on! Reva North," I smile as I taunt her.

"I thought you said the North's was one of the families that shifters feared the most."

Reva half growls and lunges for me again. I duck and sidestep her. She stumbles and I clip her on the side of the head, nothing painful but it does maker her angrier.

She huffs and turns to me "stop being nice, Just hit me properly, or I won't learn."

I grin "yeah, but I don't want to snap your neck off your spine either."

She raises an eyebrow "you could actually do that?"

I think about it for a moment while Ink snorts in my head "Of course we could, does she think we're as weak as she is?"

I grin but don't say Ink's words to Reva, instead I just shrug "probably, but I'm not planning on it."

Reva just grins at my reply and says, "fine than, don't snap my neck but put a bit more power into your hits."

I grin, "fine but remember you're the one that insisted on it."

Reva smiles while getting ready to resume our sparring session "After this we're so having an archery contest than I'll wipe the floor with you."

I laugh "I thought these morning sessions were so that you could get more practise in, not so you could brag about how good a shot you are."

Reva shrugs "well if the poor Werepanther is scared we don't have to."

I shake my head "oh, you are going to pay for that."

I take two steps grab her arm and flip her over. She hits the ground hard and lies there for a moment or two while I laugh. Slowly she gets her breath back and says "that's better, now lets practise that so I can figure out how to stop you from pulling that move on me again."

We spar for another half hour or so before I finally notice the time on Reva's watch and say "we better stop, otherwise we'll miss breakfast and sorry but a shifters body needs food."

Reva rolls her eyes "you're just lucky we didn't get around to archery this time."

I grin and we head off to the shower both of us teasing each other.

* * * *

"Ivy! You're stronger and faster than these guys but that doesn't mean I want you slacking off in technique, keep you feet apart and your balance even!"

Roses voice sounds out above the sounds of fists smacking flesh and the thud of arrows as they hit targets. I give a nod and focus once again on Cole.

After training early with Reva I'm not in the mood to spar and I've been lazy about it today. So far today I've relied on my instinct and my consciousness had mostly been asleep while Ivory's and Ink's instincts controlled my body.

I've still won my fights because of my speed and strength but I've had a few close calls. It wasn't just because I was bored with sparring. I've also been focussing on another group who are training.

On the other side of the training room are a group of adults obviously doing a training session to keep their reflexes sharp.

This isn't unusual, the few days I've been here I've seen plenty of the adults training, but I've never seen Quinn train. As far as I know she's the only shifter here apart form me. Reva said there are others with the hunters but none of them are in the compound. The only one is Quinn.

There's something about Quinn that makes me weary of her. Perhaps it's the fact that she's happy to kill her own kind even though she knows that not all shifters are bloodthirsty monsters. I've seen the calculated glint in her eyes and when she was questioning me I could feel her power and control. But there was something else as well. Something I can't figure out.

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