extra training

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Training goes for a long time but I've never felt more alive. By the time we're finished everyone is red faced and breathing heavily. It didn't help that our last thing for the day was a three-kilometre run with a stopwatch on us.

I'd used Ivory's speed and endurance in the run and had made a new record for the class. Rose had nodded her approval while we waited for everyone else to finish.

Once everyone else came in she called us all together and said "And here is an excellent example of why I make you all run at the end of training."

She pauses to look at everyone before continuing, " When you're out hunting a werewolf or a Werecat they won't slow down for you. They won't go easier because you're a human."

Rose points at me "Ivy nearly shaved off half the time of the previous record."

Damien suddenly speaks up "but she's a Werecat,"

Rose rises an eyebrow "Are trying to make an excuse? When you're hunting them they won't stop defending themselves and killing you because you're only a human. Look at Ivy."

Every pair of eyes swings around to look at me. I'm breathing as hard as they all are but my eyes are bright and I'm standing tall. I could run another three kilometres and Ivory inside me is restless, she wants to keep going.

Rose talks again, bringing the attention back to her "you're all spent, If I said for one of you to now defend yourself against Ivy you wouldn't be able to do it. But Ivy could easily kill you."

Rose shakes her head "When you live under here you think you're indestructible but the thing is that not one of you would ever survive a fight against one of Ivy's kind."

Danni speaks up "But Reva went out not long ago."

Rose looks at Reva "that's true but she was on perimeter watch, she was meant to shoot any Werecat that tried to escape through the forest and while she did a good job she was not in the heart of the fight."

Reva seems to take no offence by this as if she already knew  this herself and Rose continues "The truth is that you all think you're ready, you all think you could kill a shifter but none of you are even close."

Rose waves for us to go and get changed and than says, "so Danni, Cole next time you ask if you can come hunting with me remember how easy it was for Ivy to wipe the floor with you and than rethink your question."

Rose is talking to her children but its clear the message is for everyone.

We all go to the showers and I can feel people's eyes on me. I can understand now why Rose was happy for me to be in training. I grounded her students; I showed them that no matter how well they are doing within their class they are still a long way off in finishing their training.

I give a shiver, Rose is right, I could kill them, so what could a fully-grown and battle seasoned shifter do?

Once our showers are finished Reva begins asking me if she and I could do some extra training sessions "Here's the thing, Rose is right none of us can hope to win, yet. But if I train with you I'll be that much further ahead in my training, after all I'll be fighting with a Werecat."

I give a smile "But it won't make much of a difference, remember that in an actual fight I wouldn't be in human form."

Reva sighs, "I suppose your right but can we still do some extra training sessions? You're a lot faster than anyone in my class and if I can manage beating you, I know I'll be one the top graduates in the class."

I look at her hopeful eyes and give a nod "Fine but I'm not doing it at night, if we do this we get up early before breakfast."

Reva frowns "why do we have to get up so early?"

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