Chapter 2- Found

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"Sir, can you come down here for a moment?" The man on the other side of the phones asks.

Griff doesn't answer just puts down the phone and walks to the door. Jack wouldn't ring him unless it was important. As Griff walks to the surveillance building he notices the nearly full moon, high in the sky.

Jack is waiting by the door and lets Griff in. Griff takes in the computers mounted on the wall. Each one has lines running across the screen like heart monitors. "What is it?" Griff says while studying the screens.

Jack points to a screen to the left. "As you know we've been monitoring our youngsters, their dreamscapes are showing that all of them are still probably a few weeks away from the merging."

Griff nods "yes I know you give me an update every day."

Jack replies "this line is one of the unmerged, see how it is stable and constant? This is the line of someone close to merging, there are small spikes along it, but this is different."

Jack points to the sharp and jagged line on the screen and Griff raises an eyebrow "what is going on there?"

Jack shrugs "my guess is that there is an extremely powerful merging going on or has just been completed, Sir this dreamscape suggests that whoever this is, they are even stronger than you."

Griff looks at Jack "what do you mean?"

Jack points to the screen "They look like they could be about five times stronger than you."

Griff nods "who are they? Is it Kendra? I knew there was something different about her."

Jack turns serious " Kendra is so far looking the same as everyone else. This is someone else. They aren't in our pack."

Griff blinks "but you're only meant to monitor our pack."

Jack nods " that's all I was doing. This dreamscape is so strong that my instruments are picking it up."

Griff growls, "Are they a threat? "Jack shakes his head "Dreamscapes show more than just if the merging is happening, this one shows someone who is confused and unaware. Alpha with your permission I would like to link into the dreamscape and try to find the person."

Griff nods "As soon as you find out I want you to report to me, no matter the time or day."

Jack nods " yes alpha."

An hour goes by when a phone call wakes Griff who has only just gotten back to bed. "Alpha its jack."

Griff hurries down, this news is vital. Jack makes way for the alpha and looking excited says, "I found her."

Griff perks up " her?"

Jack nods " It's a female, age sixteen, she lives about a days drive from here, in a town called Carringston. Alpha she's different, I know why it's spiking so much, She's a blue blood."

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