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The screams continue, not even the sound of the rain can block the panic and pain that is communicated through the cries. Ink is growling at me “Ivy! Why are you staying here? Go and help Cobalt and Inferno.”

I shake my head in confusion “I thought you wanted to do whatever Coablt said?” Ink huffs in reply “He is in danger, nothing else is as important to me than helping him.”

“The question is what is the danger?” Ivory’s voice asks. All three of us pause and I give a shrug “I don’t know but sitting here doing nothing doesn’t feel right.”

For once Ivory and Ink seem to agree and I make my way down the stairs. The rain is still pouring as I open the door of the cabin. Looking outside I can see blurs through the rain. The dark smudges move around with a speed that is impossible. I can hear growls and I watch as a sleek looking form leaps at a blur that is hiding behind a tree.

I look away. I don’t want to know what happens. An idea creeps into my head. The rain is making everything harder to sense and with all the confusion of whoever is attacking I’d be able to slip away unnoticed. Ivory agrees with me wholeheartedly while Ink roars at me to find Cobalt.

I feel a twinge of worry for Cobalt but the worry is soon gone, Cobalt is powerful, there is no way he could be in danger, repeating those words in my head I shift into my Panther.

Ink tries to take control and run back to Cobalt but I shove her away, I need to be in control. Ivory seems to huff that I didn’t choose to shift into a wolf but I remind her that a black panther is a lot harder to see in the rain than a white wolf. She seems to grudgingly accept this and I begin running through the forest.

The rain pours down washing away my tracks and my scent is destroyed, No one will find me, not even Cobalt. Behind me I can hear the sounds of fighting. A part of me feels guilty to be leaving without even seeing what the problem is but the more reasonable part reminds me that I’m not one of their pride members and that this is my only chance to escape.

I’ve barely begun my run when I hear a soft thump on my left. I turn my head and my mind barely registers the fact that there is an arrow sticking out of a tree a millimetre above my head. I flick my ear, I can feel a slight sting where the arrow knocked my ear as it flew past.

I prick my ears trying to hear above the rain. I had only just heard the sound of the arrow hitting the tree and my guess is that someone isn’t out here shooting for target practise.

Knowing that staying still id dangerous I turn on my back legs and run the opposite way. I take five steps before turning again. I don’t know where the shooter is and so I’m hoping that if I change direction enough they won’t get a clear shot of me. Using my claws I fin grip on the slippery ground and I leap forward letting my hind legs push me further than I thought I could go.

I give a feral snarl as a piercing pain hits just above my left shoulder blade. Ivory and Ink are both snarling and I can feel my tail swishing as I get ready for an attack.

The burn in my shoulder makes me look down. Sticking out of my black sleek fur is a white fletched arrow. The head is buried deep into my skin and I can see a trial of blood leaking form the wound. The blood drips onto the ground where is mixes with the rain and mud.

Ice Wolf and Ink PantherWhere stories live. Discover now