making plans

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"I see that you are the picture of calmness." Clare's mocking tone makes me growl as she leans against a doorframe, her usual smile in place.

I look at her but don't stop pacing. Two days I've been in here. Two days Erik and Cobalt have been trying to track down Ivy, trying to find a lead as to where the hunters took her.

I had wanted to help but Erik had been against it. He'd said that as far as the rest of the Werecat prides knew, Ivy was Cobalt's mate and they'd be less inclined to help find Ivy if they thought that she could be the mate of a werewolf.

So for two days I've been stuck in this stupid house surrounded by Werecats who think I'm some sort of prisoner while Clare has filled in the time making snide remarks and jokes. Usually I enjoy her company, after all it's nice to have someone who likes to stir up trouble and have a joke with but with my nerves on edge and Titanium getting more feral each day I'm beginning to wonder how much trouble I'd be in if I broke her jaw, meaning that she wouldn't be able to talk for a few hours while she healed.

Clare rolls her eyes "Look I didn't come here to annoy you this time, Cobalt and Erik got back, they think they might have a lead."

I stop pacing and give her my full attention "What do you mean?"

"Erik heard of another pride being hit by hunters, they weren't caught off guard though and managed to fight the buggers off. But they also managed to capture one. Erik sent Knox and Max to go and bring the hunter here. He's hoping that he'll be from the same group of hunters as the ones that attacked us, it's a long shot but it's the only lead we've found so far." Clare says, for once she's serious and there's no joking tone in her voice.

I give a nod, hoping that we'll get lucky with the hunter "lets go, I want to be there when this hunter arrives."

Clare leads me out of the cabin I've been stuck in and takes me to another one on the other side of the camp. After the recent attack the prides that had gathered here at the camp are all nearly gone, most returning to their own lands. Erik's pride would have moved off as well but Cobalt had refused saying that until Ivy was found they'd stay where they were.

I spot Erik and Cobalt leaning against a small cabin and they stand up as I approach. "I see Clare told you about our possible lead."

I give a nod though Erik wasn't really asking me a question. Erik looks over at Cobalt "I'll allow the both of you to watch the interrogation but neither of you are to talk, understand. Both of you aren't in full control of your wolf or tiger and I don't need one of you killing the hunter."

I nod, Titanium has always been laid back but lately he's become as hard to manage as Inferno is for Cobalt. Cobalt's also nodding and Erik turns to him. Erik's eyes begin to glow a bright green and I know that his own tiger has surfaced "Inferno, you can't hurt this hunter, if you do you might destroy the only lead we have to finding your mate."

Erik's words make me growl but I don't say anything; I don't want Inferno to kill the hunter either.

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