Don't trip the alarm

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"Hide! I can hear someone coming," Reva whispers while jerking me around a corner.

We wait for the approaching footstep to dissipate but they move closer before stopping directly around the corner we're hiding behind.

At this point I've stopped breathing while Reva is white knuckled beside me. Down another corridor there is the pop of a stun gun and the footsteps immediately run in the direction of the sound.

Reva and I both let the air back into our lungs while we grin "that was too close, they're getting closer."

Reva ducks into the corridor and begins moving down it, her feet are silent as we've taken off our shoes.

I follow behind while Ivory questions "Why hide? Just jump put and shoot them both,"

I roll my eyes while replying, "Because this exercise isn't about being the strongest it's about being able to sneak through their defences."

Ink's smooth voice resonates n my head "than why do you carry a stun gun if you're not meant to overwhelm them?"

Checking over the weapon I reply "because if we are caught than we're meant to stun them, the aim is to get the object and get back, now are you going to shut up so I can concentrate, otherwise we'll get stunned and trust me it look painful."

Ink huffs clearly thinking this is a useless exercise but I ignore her and run after Reva, making sure to keep my feet light.

We stick to the shadows of the corridors as we make our way to our target. We had four hours to complete our mission and the class had been split into two teams. The first had the job of slipping through the compound and stealing the object while the second had the responsibility of protecting the object.  

To avoid our class being a nuisance to the whole compound this exercise is taking place at night, when the rest of the community is asleep, meaning that no one will accidently get stunned who isn't in the exercise.

Another set of footsteps sound out and Reva and I backtrack until we reach a door in the corridor. I slide it open and we cram ourselves into the storeroom. Reva hisses through her clenched throat "get down behind something."

We both duck down under a bench, which is lined with, tinned fruit and batteries and wait, hoping the door doesn't open.

I still my breathing as the door opens with a click and as soon as we see a figure at the door we both take aim and fire. The soft pop of the stun guns going off is all that can be heard as the person at the door gives a small groan before falling over.

I jump out of our hiding spot and with Reva's help, drag the body into the storage room. Reva gives a grin when she recognises who it is. Damien is shaking from the recent amount of electricity that's gone through his body and I can't help but smile. Ten minutes before we'd begun the exercise Damien had sauntered up to me and boasted that he was going to hunt me as that's all a Werecat is good for.

Ice Wolf and Ink PantherWhere stories live. Discover now