chapter 4 - I'm not a part of your pack

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My head is pounding when I wake up. I look around and my first thought is that I'm dreaming about being in a forest. I stagger to my feet and than promptly fall over again. Cursing I lean against the tree and my memories flood back in. Wild eyed I look around, only to find myself alone at the edge of a forest. I don't know where he's gone but I have to get out of here.

I spot the road and seeing no better alternate I begin to walk along it, hoping a car will come and pick me up. I check my watch to find that ten minutes has passed since I started when I see a tiny black dot in the distance. I squint and see it coming slowly towards me. My eyes finally make out the blur of a human, running at an extraordinary rate. I watch as it stops and almost seems to be looking at me. Suddenly it runs again, this time double the speed. I give a small scream as I realise it's Silver Turning around I begin to run the other way. Strong hands wrap around my waist and I'm jerked into a hard chest. "Let go of me!" I scream while trying to elbow him. He traps my arms to my sides and says, "don't run away again." I continue to scream as he picks me up and slings me over his shoulder. I hit his back and scream. All this seems to do is make him smile and say, "every time you squirm you know you wiggle your cute butt right in my face?" His comment freaks me out and I double my efforts, pleading with him to let me go.

We reach the fringe of the forest and he sits me down under the tree I was under to start with. As soon as he turns his back to grab a bag under a log I run into the forest. I hear a growl and I take ten steps before I'm pushed into a tree. "Why did you run away? I said for you not to." Silver says while trapping me between the tree and his chest. I give a small groan at the impact before screaming, "let me go! What do you want with me?" Silver doesn't answer, instead he grabs me by my waist and trapping my arms to my sides walks me over to the bag. I scream and struggle, kicking his shins and knees but he ignores me as if I'm a fly. He pushes me up against a tree near the bag and while pinning me there he grabs another needle out of the bag and inserts it into my arm. "No, no! Please don't!" I beg as he plunges the liquid into me. My vision goes dark again and I feel strong arms catch me as I slip.


Why did she have to wake up? I know that taking her like that probably wasn't the best start for our relationship but hearing her beg to let her go made my wolf cry out in distress. I nearly lost control of him, which considering she already fears me probably wouldn't be the best thing for her to see. Picking up the bag I strip off my clothes and let him come out. I gently pick her up by my teeth making sure to only grab her clothes. I swing my neck around and place her on my back. There is a plus about being a silver blood. I can faze certain parts of my body. I let my front legs return to arms and quickly loop a rope around Ivy, securing her to my back. I fazed back into my wolf fully and take off. Carrying the bag in my mouth I run for the next four hours to my home. To our home.


I have a strange dream. The pure white wolf and ebony panther lay on either side of me. They don't scare me like they did before. I've accepted them; I know they won't hurt me. The wolf nuzzles me and a voice rings in my head " you need to stop being afraid, everything will be all right, you are with your one now." The panther growls " no she is with one of her possible mates, Ivy you have to get away. You need to find him." I shake my head "what are either of you talking about?" They both sigh, "mate," I shake my head "how are you even talking?" The wolf responds, " we are you, we are inside you. We can't explain it well but we are a part of you." I have no idea what they are talking about so I change the subject "do you have names?" The wolf's voice rings clear and sharp "I'm called Ivory." The Panther purrs, " My name isn't ebony like you were thinking, it's Ink." I smile "like the stuff you use to write with?" Ink flicks me with her tail "I suppose." They both begin to fade and Ivory says "time for you to wake up." I feel a surge of sadness sweep through me as they fade away. A sudden glow appears in my chest and two voices sound in my head "we're still here." I smile and remember what they said; they're a part of me.

Ice Wolf and Ink Pantherحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن