Chapter 3 - New kid spells trouble

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I wake up in the morning and stumble down the stairs making my way to breakfast.

My adoptive mum smiles "Ivy what did I tell you about waking up properly before you come down, You'll break your legs on the stairs if your not careful."

I grin and open my eyes trying to get rid of the sleep in them. I hear my mother gasp "Ivy what happened to your eyes?"

I frown and look at the back of a spoon. I blink my in shock, eyes were brown but now they're emerald green, like they were in my dream. I'm slightly freaked out, to say the least.

 Not wanting Mum to know that something weird is happening I shrug "yeah I forgot to tell you, I bought coloured contacts yesterday while I was down town. Do you like them?"

My mum frowns "I have to say green suits you, though why you thought you needed to change your eye colour is beyond me." 

I shrug "I just really wanted to know what they would look like." My mother drops the subject and rushes over to me, screaming "happy birthday! I would have said it earlier but your contacts caught my attention." I laugh as she nearly suffocates me with her hug.

She hands me a small box and I tear into it. I give a small yell of surprise when I see a single note. That reads, to my darling daughter, your present is too big to wrap, He is outside waiting for you. I rush outside to find my horse Chaos waiting with a new saddle and bridle. Chaos was a sixteen-hand buckskin coloured horse with a proud stance and an air of power that is hard to find in a horse.

I hug my Mum and leap on forgetting my helmet, which my Mum hands me. I'd been begging my Mum for this saddle and bridal for a while now, the only problem the bridal alone was two hundred dollars and the saddle was two thousand.

My Mum was loaded but it didn't mean she just bought me whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted it. I had to work for the past year to buy half of the saddle and Mum said she would pay for the other half and the bridal. I give the tiniest push for Chaos to move and we speed off. 

When I first got Chaos Mum nearly had a heart attack, He threw me off well over the amount I can count on my fingers and toes before I managed to have a ride on him that didn't begin and end with me flying off his back. That's how he got his name; trying to ride him was pure chaos. Mum wanted met to sell him and get another, tamer horse but I refused to give up.

Six months later, after riding him every day for a good three hours I finally had a responsive, smart and reliable horse. It had been a long time since he had tried to buck me off and our relationship had grown until I could whistle and he would trot up.

 I didn't go for a long ride. After all I had school. Chaos and I galloped across the paddock. I let my reins go and using just my legs directed Chaos around tress and logs. We finally reach home again and Mum smiles "Because it's your birthday I'll unsaddle him and brush him down for you."

I give her another kiss and yell thank you as I make my way into the house. I eat breakfast quickly and head up to my room to get dressed. I groan as I look at the uniform. I've never worn this thing for a whole day. I get changed into it and pack some other clothes into my bag.

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