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"Who's her daughter?" Cobalt asks once we're alone.

I turn my head to look at him "I don't know, I didn't even know she had one."

Silver strains against his cuffs "Who cares, whoever she is she's already beyond help, we need to get out of here before they do the same to us."

I test my own bonds. They're too strong; Grayson Hunters know how to hold a shifter.

"They're going to kill us." Ivory's voice is a whisper in my head, full of dread and terror.

"I won't let them." I send the thought to them but we both know I'm not going to have much of a choice in the matter.

I rattle my cuffs half screaming, as I do "They can't do this to us."

Silver looks over at me, his eyes glowing "Don't worry we're getting out of this."

"How?" I ask bitterly "They've drugged us, we can't shift and we can't break free, face it Silver we're finished."

A low growl emits form his throat "I'm not letting them destroy our bond."

I've never been a very calm person in stressful situations and I growl in return "Shut up about the mate bond! That's all you seem to talk about! We're about to have our animals ripped out and all you care about is whether our bond will still be intact?"

I look over at Cobalt "Don't you start about it either. Now is not the time to bring this up."

The both fall silent and I retreat inside my own head. Fletch has given us one hour to say goodbye, I'm not going to waste it by arguing.

"Can they really kill you?" I ask my animals, their fear entwining with my own at the idea of being separated.

Ink hisses "If they split us from you then yes I think they could."

Ivory gives a soft whimper "After all we don't really have bodies, we're just souls, not even our memories are out own, just things we share with you."

"So you'll just be gone?" The idea that Ink and Ivory -while annoying- could suddenly cease to exist is terrifying.

Ink snorts "I doubt it, I'm sure something of us will go on, we might end up being energy that rebounds around the world or perhaps we will truly disappear."

Ivory lurches in my head "Neither of those sound appealing to me."

My attention is brought back to my surroundings as my eyes catch the door opening.

My voice is full of panic "No, an hour can't have gone by yet, you said you'd give us an hour!"

My panic turns to anger as Reva steps through the door and cold fury runs down my body, my mouth pulling into a thin line as I fall silent, staring as she walks in. She seems half worried as if we're about to attack her, something I would consider if it weren't for these cuffs.

Cobalt sneers "And what are you? The person who has to get us ready for the 'operation'?" He practically spits out the last word and Reva flinches, something I've never seen her do.

As if remembering who she is I watch as she straightens her shoulders and once more it seems the hunters mask is back in place. Her anxious look smooths out and my friend's face becomes a blank professional expression, something I haven't seen on her.

Silver while not as aggressive as Cobalt says in a tense voice "What are you doing here?"

Reva turns to me her eyes staring at me though she addresses us all "We don't want you to fear the operation."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2016 ⏰

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