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"So have you got it all sorted?" I ask while unpacking our dinner, which consists of Thai food from the restaurant down the street. Opening one of the plastic containers I breathe in the smell of the noodle dish and nod in satisfaction, we'd gone to a bar a few nights ago and the burgers had given us both food poisoning. As shifters, we were only sick for a few hours but even so I'm not planning on eating there again.

Cobalt slips his phone into his pocket "Yeah, my father has enrolled us into the school and we'll be able to go there tomorrow."

Tossing Cobalt a fork he cracks open his own food and begins to eat while I say "We don't need to worry about uniforms or anything?"

Cobalt takes a moment to swallow before replying "No, the school doesn't have a uniform. I was thinking we'd get there early and try to scope out the area before seeing if we can find Ivy."

I nod "Good I'm sick of being in this town, Titanium is getting annoyed at not being able to shift."

Cobalt nods and his eyes flash for a moment "I know what you mean, Inferno is just under the surface."

I frown with worry "Are you sure it's safe to have you walking into a school where Baby Hunters go?"

Cobalt shrugs "Probably not but if I stay in this motel room for the day while you see Ivy, Inferno will force me to shift, and we both know how that will go."

I grimace and Titanium half chortles in my head "And you say I'm difficult? Inferno seems a hundred times worse."

I ignore Titanium's words and instead reply to Cobalt "Fair enough, we'll just have to play it safe tomorrow I don't want Inferno getting it into his head that he has to shift in the middle of the entire school."

Cobalt nods and half grins "I'll handle Inferno, just make sure Titanium doesn't get out."

I smirk "We both know Inferno is the hot headed one, Titanium is much more laid back."

Cobalt grins and puts his Thai food down "True enough, Titanium make sure Silver doesn't get out of control, we both know he's prone to hit and ask questions later."

Titanium laughs inside my head and my eyes flash letting Cobalt know that Titanium heard while I half groan "Great, now my own wolf is taking the weretiger's side."

Cobalt laughs and I can't help but join in. For now we're friends but I've begun to wonder what will happen once Ivy comes back into the picture. Our truce will end and while I can't let Cobalt steal my mate I'm not looking forward to killing him either. Sighing I continue to eat my noodle dish winding the thick noodles around my fork as I fruitlessly try to think of a way where I get Ivy while avoiding getting into a fight with Cobalt.

Titanium gives counsel "Stop worrying, we don't even have Ivy yet so I wouldn't bother thinking about it yet."

Taking his advice I try to push the thoughts out of my head and I sigh, if it weren't for the existing bad blood between out pack and Cobalt's pride as well as this whole issue over both having Ivy as a mate I could see Cobalt and I being good friends. As it is, we'll be lucky if we both end up alive after this.


Even with school back on Reva is determined to still get up early to do our daily fighting sessions. Word has gotten around that I'm training with her and it seems that others are taking the chance to train against a shifter.

Walking into the training room I can feel my shoulders slump as I say to both of my animals "It was bad enough with Reva trying to beat me blue but now I have to deal with all of them?"

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