Never let your mates meet your friends

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Climbing out of the car Ink half snarls "If you don't do something about those twins I'm going to rip them apart!"

Ivory's words are a lot calmer "While I'm not sure killing is the way to go here I do agree, the next time they have a fight about which radio station to play I'm shifting and jumping out of the car."

I half smile at their words while Danni and Cole slam the doors to the car closed, glaring at each other as they do. Reva just sighs while walking with me into school "What do you have up first?"

"Chemistry, What about you?"

Reva pouts "Geography, apparently we're doing an in class essay today which means my hand is going to have cramps for the rest of the day."

Reva turns to Danni and Cole "What have you got up first?"

The question seems to break them out of their bad mood as Danni replies "Art."

While Cole says "Chemistry."

Reva lets out a low whistle "Since when did we get new guys."

Turning to look over my shoulder I look around and Reva waves her hand "They just walked into the school office."

Cole snorts "What is it with girls and new classmates?"

Danni half shoves him "Well when they look that fine how can we not stare."

I've never seen Reva or Danni act so girly and curious to see the boys who could make them start giggling. I look back at the office door catching blurry shadows from behind the tinted glass.

My mind turns into a jumble as both Ivory and Ink start to growl their excitement making my head feel as if someone's skewered it.

"Calm down." I hiss at them but they're beyond listening to me.

And I know why, because walking out the door are the two people I'd been trying to avoid this whole time. Reva gives me a worried look as she sees my shocked face "Ivy? What's wrong?"

I watch in slow motion as both their heads turn in our direction, it's obvious they're scoping out the area and I freeze as their gaze lands on me.

Like liquid they both start to move and Reva looks from my two approaching mates to me "Do you know them?"

I can't even try to think of a lie, my mind too busy thinking of a way to defuse the situation. One wrong move and I know someone will shift, setting off the hunters around me. One wrong move and everything goes horribly wrong.

I just nod while inside my head I can hear Ivory whining in joy "He's here, he's here!" Ink also joins in though she's only got eyes for Cobalt.

They both stop about three paces from me. Silver's voice is normal but his fisted hands shatter his façade of being calm "Ivy-"

I look at the hunters around me and talk over the top of him "How about we go somewhere private."

Reva steps forward taking a protective stance "I'm not sure if that's a good idea Ivy."

I understand her doubt in leaving me alone with Silver and Cobalt. Looking at my two mates they both stand rigid clearly trying to hold in their animals. From an outsiders point of view they look dangerous like they could snap at any moment and I don't blame Reva for deciding that they're a threat."

Cobalt suddenly half growls "Get out of the way hunter!"

Silver shoots Cobalt shocked look and even Cobalt seems to understand his mistake. All at once the hunters around me connect the dots. Why these two strangers know me and know that they're hunters. Faster than I've ever seen her move Reva has a knife in her hand. I vaguely remember how she said she brought a weapon wherever she went and I suppose it's for situations like this one.

Ice Wolf and Ink PantherWhere stories live. Discover now