Chased down

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"They're heading back into middle of town," A voice bubbles out of the radio, the one all our cars are hooked up to.

I spin the steering wheel of our car; a large black thing that looks like it could take on a concrete wall. I'm sure Cole knows the brand, model and year it was made but I've never been into cars.

"Hey if you wreck the tyres I am not changing them for you again." Cole calls from the back as he assembles our guns making sure they all load properly.

Danni, sitting in the passenger seat looks back at her twin "Make sure we have enough darts."

I twist the wheel again, Cole cursing as he drops a packet of darts onto the ground from the sudden movement of the car.

We're chasing shifters in the middle of town. Our town. Shifters aren't meant to come here and yet now there are three. Bullets are out of the question. Too much of a chance that we'll hit people, at least a tranquilizer will only put them to sleep. I frown, though the amount of drugs needed to knock a shifter out would probably kill a human anyway.

I can't see Ivy or her mates anymore. In fact only those sitting in front of computer monitors back at the compound can watch the shifters as they run through town.

I'd always thought Fletch was silly to put up cameras all around town but right now it's the only thing that keeps us on Ivy's trail.

Danni looks to me, her own hands fiddling with a tranquiliser gun "Are we really about to shoot our friend?"

I grit my teeth. The same words have been running in my head. Shifters are dangerous I know that. Yet Ivy hasn't shown any malice. But now she's run which means she's a threat again. "Yes, we do. You remember what Fletch said treat her as one of us until she does something that makes her our enemy."

My voice is cold and once again I'm Reva North, a soldier made from birth. Danni seems unsure for a moment before nodding, her resolve setting. The three of us have always had each other's backs. In fact I'm practically family. Rose has been my mother while my real one barely meets my eyes in the tunnels. With my father dead Rose took me in as her own daughter. Danni and Cole might be twins but I'm their third sibling.

I let my foot off the accelerator as we fall in behind another car driven by Hunters. There is a good chance that we won't even have to shoot at Ivy and her mates. With back up from the compound we've done our part, signalled to Fletch and the others that there was a problem.

Danni sighs "I wish they could have just done the operation on Ivy, like they did to Quinn, would have made everything so much easier."

Quinn. I feel my hands squeeze the steering wheel as if hoping to fracture it into a million bits of plastic and metal. Danni must be upset about Ivy; otherwise she would have never brought up Quinn, not around me.

Cole replies from the back seat "Don't worry. You know Fletch, he won't kill Ivy."

Cole's right. If Fletch can avoid bloodshed he will. We might hunt Shifters but Fletch doesn't see any point in killing teenagers. After all, like he said they're the generation we'll be making a treaty with one day, why kill them?

"But you know he won't let them go either, especially not Ivy. She's seen our compound where we go to school and learnt what we know. To let her go is to put us all to death." My words are everything we don't want to think about.

Ivy is my friend, and even now as she runs I still see her that way. But I can't turn my back on my family for her. I think about it. Well I suppose I could turn my back on my biological family, After all Mum has already decided I don't exist and Dad died before I knew him, only leaving me his last name as a legacy. But Ivy's not worth everyone else, not Danni, Cole or Rose.

Ice Wolf and Ink PantherOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz