Chapter 7 - Time to leave

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I've been waiting for an hour now, and as far as I know I'll be waiting for a lot longer. The doctor said everything is normal, just that the contractions are slow to begin. I sit down in the chair and resist the urge to go back to Ivy. Even now when my sister is having a baby, Titanium wants to be with Ivy.

Slowly another hour ticks by and I begin to walk around. I can't sit still, not with everything that's happening. A third hour goes and finally when the fourth hour rolls around I hear a cheer. Azure's mate Sci rushes out to me and with the biggest smile I've ever seen yells " I'm a dad!" I clap him on the back and congratulate him. He doesn't stop smiling the whole time and soon I'm allowed in to see my sister and her new baby.

Azure smiles up at me "Hey little brother. Come see your new nephew." I give her a smile and look down at the bundle she has near her chest, holding him as if he's the most precious thing she has. A pair of dark brown eyes looks up at me and I feel my heart melt.

I don't stay for too long. I can tell that Azure and Sci really want to be alone with their baby so giving them each another hug I leave followed by the rest of the pack who had turned up to welcome the new pack member. As I walk back to our house I know that without a doubt that is what I want in life. Ivy and me happy together with a baby we both love until the end of the earth. I'm Happy for my sister and her mate but I'm also envious. As soon as they saw each other they fell in love. Ivy on the other hand hates me and doesn't want to be my mate. I don't think I can stand to see her look at me with a look of disgust anymore.

I can feel myself getting more and more worked up and so I decide that the only way to let out this feeling is to go for a run. I head into the forest and quickly strip off. The only thing I leave on is the necklace with the key to Ivy's collar. There is no way I' m leaving this anywhere. I merge with Titanium and soon in my place is a wolf with silver highlights. I shake my fur and watch, as my fur looks blue under the moonlight.

I run for what seems like a lifetime. I push myself not wanting to think, just feel. Eventually I come to a creek and take a drink. The feelings of sadness crash down on me and I lift my head up and howl about my sorrows. The moon hangs above me as if listening to my misery. I drop my head and take a breath before giving another howl. Each time I howl though they are filled with determination. Ivy might not like it but we are mates and one day she'll realise it and she'll love me.

I know she feels something for me. I just have to convince her that I'm worthy of her love. I give a final howl that doesn't have a trace of the sorrow I felt earlier. I'll make her change her mind about me. I'll show her what being mates means.


As soon as Silver leaves I know that now is the time I should leave. Everyone will be down at his sister's side, offering their support. I'll have a good couple of hours to make my escape. I look down at my clothes and see that I'm still in what I fell asleep in. I shake my head, these won't do. Knowing there is no point in looking through Silver's things I go and find another bedroom. The first one I open smells strongly of male and I shut it immediately. I open another door and find what I'm looking for.

I grab a pair of jeans, shirt and some shoes that look to be the cheapest ones out of the pile of shoes that are there. I pull on the clothes and head back to silver's room. I look around his room and give a fist pump when I see a set of car keys in one of the draws in his desk.

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