Inferno and Ink

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As soon as I'm conscious I memories of the previous day hit me with enough force my chest begins to tighten, leaving it hard to breathe. I failed. The word fail has never sat well with me, I've always refused to believe I could ever fail and finally it seems it caught up to me. I failed.

Opening my eyes I see that I'm in the cabin again. Listening for any sounds I make out that I'm alone. I sit up on the bed and look around. The door is shut and after attempting to open I declare it locked.

"Oh well I guess we can stay here until our mate comes." Ink purrs in my head, I flash her a picture of me rolling my eyes and she gives a huff before quieting down.

Ivory's voice sounds out in my head "Try the windows." I mentally slap myself for not thinking of it sooner and look towards where the early morning light is coming from.

The window is a large one that's looks easy enough to open but to my dismay I see a bed just under the window. I silently groan, I hadn't noticed the bed earlier because the morning light makes the room so dim that everything looks more or less the same.

Squinting, I look around the rest of the room and make out the dark shapes of four other beds. Every bed except the one beneath the window seems empty.

Deciding to risk it I slowly climb up onto the bed and managing to not step on the sleeping form beneath me. The person moves from the shift of weight on the mattress and I freeze, hardly daring to breathe.

The person stops moving and their breathing returns to normal. I let my breath out and standing up I look out the window. Outside the window I can see the remnants of a bonfire that still has a faint smell of smoke wafting from it. A single trial of smokes floats up into the air lazily and judging from the numerous empty cans of alcohol and fizzy drink I'd say the night was long.

I pry open the window and look out to the forest beyond the bonfire and the clearing. There, in the background the forest lays a green haze that appears like my saviour from this crazy world.

I push on the window and it moves upwards. Satisfied that I'll be able to get out, I grip the windowsill and stop. As soon as I push off from the bed the movement will defiantly wake the person beneath me. I look for a safe spot to land once I've climbed through and prepare myself for a fast get away.

I'm hoping the person will be too groggy from sleep to realise what I'm doing, giving me enough time to get to the forest and hopefully have a head start on any pursuers.

Ink gives a growl in my head "this is wrong Ivy, Cobalt is our mate, you shouldn't be running form him,"

Ivory replies before I have a chance to "I'm in full support of you Ivy, You should be thinking of how to get away from this stupid cat!"

I quickly hush them and adjust my grip the window sill and I'm about to pull myself up when I hear a laughter coming from outside. Ducking down so only my eyes are visible I see Max, Knox, Clare and Violet wandering up to the cabin. They are drenched and by the way they are wringing out their hair I'd say they went for an early morning swim.

Ice Wolf and Ink PantherTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang