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“Welcome to our base, I trust you were treated well?” The man’s voice sounds out. I give a nod while trying to figure out why he would care.

He gives a smile “good, my name is Fletch and this is Howard and Quinn,” He motions to the mana and women on either side of him before speaking again, “ we’re the ones that run this operation.”

Behind me I can hear Reva back away before the door slides and she walks out of the room. Once Reva’s gone Quinn eyes me before asking “Can you tell us a bit about yourself?”

Her words and tone are friendly but there is no mistaking that it wasn’t a request. I feel panic grab hold of me and I quickly run what I’m about to say by Ink and Ivory who both warn me to be careful.

Taking a breath I say, “well not long ago I found out I wasn’t human.” I pause and Howard motions for me to continue. Thinking over my words I begin to speak “A boy came to my school and kidnapped me. He said I was his mate, at the time I had no clue what he was talking about.”

Quinn holds up a hand “what is your mate’s name?”

“His name was Silver.” I say watching their expressions. Quinn raises her eyebrows while both Howard and Fletch look at her before turning their eyes back to me.

Quinn’s eyes flash and I see recognition, she’ knows who Silver is “You know him, don’t you?” I ask looking at Quinn.

She gives a nod “I do, but how I know doesn’t concern you.”

Ivory gives a growl in my head, “She’s talking about our mate and she won’t tell us! Ivy, you need to figure out what she knows!”

Ivory sound half hysterical to me and Ink says “Ivory calm down, they hunt people like us, of course they’re going to know the packs and who runs them and the future leaders, calm down.”

I can feel that the last thing Ivory wants to do is calm down but she remains silent, letting me think. Quinn shakes her head “that is all well and fine but when we found you, you weren’t with a pack of werewolves or with Silver, you were with a pride of Werecats who happen to be enemies of the pack that Silver belongs to. So what happened there?”

I give a nod “I didn’t want to be Silver’s mate, so I ran off and instead found my way to the Werecat pride where I met Cobalt, who is also my mate.”

My words hang in the air while three pairs of eyes look at me, I’m sure that the hunters who’d found me had already told them everything they knew about me but the shock is still evident on their faces.

Fletch grins “And while that’s a nice story it’s impossible, your kind only has one mate, right Quinn?”

Quinn nods “It’s true, my guess is that Silver found out she was Cobalt’s mate and tried to claim her as his own. It would explain why she ran from him”

Ivory growls inside my head at them insulting Silver and I shake my head “I also tried to run from Cobalt.”

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