Part 3

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"I had a great time tonight." Stevie smiled at her companion. "I always do with you."

"That's nice to hear." Their fingers laced together, he lifted her hand up to kiss. "You know I'm willing to see you whenever you're available."

"Oh?" Stevie raised an eyebrow, smirking. "I'm available right now." She said, forgetting that his driver was in the front seat and could hear the conversation perfectly. 

He noticed her gaze shifting and he waved it off. "The most discreet person you'll ever meet."

"So... would you like to come in?" Stevie offered as they sat in the backseat in her driveway. "I'm all alone tonight. Actually, for the whole weekend."

He leaned forward and patted his driver on the shoulder. "You're free for the night. I'll call you when I need you."

Stevie rummaged through her purse, looking for her keys. She paused, feeling his presence behind her, one of his hands settled on her hip, the other brushed her hair aside so he could kiss her neck. Her breathing quickened just like that and a small moan escaped when he whispered...

"Finally, I have you all to myself."

Stevie hadn't planned on starting a relationship with anyone. Her last partner was Lindsey and when that went to hell, she swore, she'd never get involved with another man again. Her priority was Luke and men, while there had been a few to satisfy certain needs, were no longer that important to her. Eliot was a nice surprise. He was a complete opposite from the men Stevie usually dated; he had made his fortune in real estate, he was in no way involved in the industry that she was a part of, he wore suits, he was clean-shaven and smelled absolutely heavenly. She was booked to perform at a private event, which was where they met. Somehow during the course of the night, he managed to coax her phone number out of her, but she didn't actually expect to get a call. She did. He asked her out. They weren't officially a couple yet, but they had been seeing quite a lot of each other for the past month.

"Well-" Stevie walked inside and Eliot followed close behind. "Here I am." She smiled and giggled when his arm slid around her waist and he spun her to face him. "What are you going to do, now that you have me all to yourself?"

He kissed her. Not a peck on the lips like when he did, when he came to pick her up for dinner. His large hands had a tight grip on her, her arms wrapped around his neck to hold herself in an upright position more than anything else. She moaned as his hand settled on her back and he pushed her against himself-

"You've got to be kidding me..." Stevie broke them apart at the sound of the phone ringing. 

"Let it ring." Eliot shook his head in protest as she started walking away.

"I'll be quick. No one calls this late." She gave him an apologetic look and went to answer the phone.

"Oh, you're home."

Stevie sighed heavily, pinching the bridge of her nose. "What the hell do you want, Lindsey?"

"No small talk, okay." He said, wondering if he'd caught her at a bad time. "Luke and I are looking through his bag, but we can't find his toothbrush-"

"His toothbrush? Lindsey, seriously?" Stevie yelled out. "You're a multimillionaire, I'm sure you have a spare one laying around somewhere. You needed to call me for this?"

"Uh, yeah." Lindsey replied, but that was just pretext. "You're right, we'll try and find one here."

"And why isn't Luke already in bed? Do you have any idea, what time it is?"

He clearly didn't think it through. "It's just one late night, Steph. Relax."

"Is that all?" She asked impatiently. 

"I think so." Lindsey sighed on the other end. The phone call just to check if she was back home from her date was a stupid idea. "Luke says, goodnight."

"Tell him, I said, goodnight, back." Stevie softened just a tad. "Goodbye, Lindsey."

She didn't wait for him to respond as she hung up the phone. Slightly tense, Stevie returned to Eliot. She sensed a change in his mood immediately. 

"Maybe, I should go." Eliot said, standing by the front door.

"What? Why?" Stevie frowned.

"That sounded like a mood killer." He shrugged with a light laugh. 

"Oh, no." She disagreed and reached for his hand. "I have some tension to relieve. You're not going anywhere." She said and turned to go upstairs.

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