Part 5

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Lindsey often wondered, what kind of relationship he and Stevie had nowadays. They were coworkers, when they toured. They were co-parents, where Luke was concerned. What were they to each other the rest of the time? Friends? Kind of. At least, they were friendly. They hadn't had a serious argument in years. But they weren't the type of friends, who hung out together often either. It wasn't that Lindsey didn't want to, he jumped at every chance. Like now as he sat in Stevie's kitchen, having coffee. He didn't feel like it was okay for him to push her for more though. He hurt her immensely in the past, it was a miracle she wanted anything to do with him. Why the sudden interest in her love life then? Maybe it was because Stevie hadn't had a serious relationship since Luke was born and he hadn't felt threatened all this time. In a way, he had been the only man in her life for a number of years. However, it sounded like she was genuinely interested in someone. Lindsey shouldn't care about it, he definitely shouldn't be thinking about saying anything about it. 

"So, how was your weekend?" Lindsey asked, when Stevie joined him at the table in front of him. 

"It was good." Stevie shrugged. "I love Luke with all of my heart, but sometimes I need to be with another adult." She laughed lightly.

She was opening the door to that conversation, surely it was alright for Lindsey to pry a little. "Oh? Did you meet up with your girlfriends?"

"No." Stevie shook her head, looking straight at him, saying nothing more. 

"Huh. Who were you with then?" Lindsey kept his voice calm and even, pretending that he didn't know a thing. 

"I went out on a date." She gave that up so easily, he was slightly taken aback. "Actually, I've been kind of seeing someone for a bit now." Lindsey cleared his throat, shifting in his seat. "I didn't want to mention it before I knew, you know, it was worth talking about it." 

"Oh, so it's serious?" Lindsey swallowed uneasily. He brought his cup up to his mouth and took a couple quick sips. 

"Well..." Stevie shrugged, shifting her gaze. "It could be. Maybe. I'm only telling you this because your son lives with me, because I'm bringing someone new into his life as well."

"Thank you. I appreciate that." Lindsey nodded.

They grew quiet. Stevie could almost hear Lindsey's thoughts, but she gave him some time, allowing him to process what little information she'd given him. It didn't even cross her mind that Lindsey was struggling more with her being involved with another man than him being introduced into Luke's life. 

"Say it, whatever it is you're thinking." Stevie leaned in close and placed her hand over Lindsey's. 

"I'm just..." Lindsey shrugged. "I know, it sounds wrong, but I wasn't expecting you to start dating."

"Well, I'm old, Linds, I'm not dead yet." He squeezed out a smile at her joke, his eyes fixed on the bottom of his cup as if he was attempting to read the coffee grounds. "I wasn't looking. It just kinda happened."

"Is he a musician, too?" Lindsey asked, wondering, which one of the many famous rockstars she knew, had finally managed to get their filthy hands on her.

"No, he's in real estate." Stevie replied, realizing that Lindsey had turned his hand and was now holding hers. 

"Real estate?" Lindsey frowned. "He must be boring as hell."

"You couldn't be more wrong." Stevie shook her head, withdrew her hands from his and got up on her feet to take their empty mugs to the sink to rinse them out before she put them into the dishwasher. "Actually, we-"

"No." Lindsey stopped her. "Don't want to hear anything more than I absolutely have to."

Stevie chuckled, leaning against the kitchen counter as she dried off her hands. "He's a good man, Lindsey. I don't know if I'm going to end up married to him, but things are going well right now." She turned more serious and locked their eyes. "I'd like for it to stay that way."

"I'm not plotting to get rid of the man, Stevie." Lindsey joked, shaking his head. "I want you to be happy." He added with a sigh as he looked at her with a somewhat sad smile. "I think, I should go." Lindsey announced and stood up. "Kristen-"

"Don't want to hear about it." Stevie cut him off and he nodded in understanding.

After saying goodbye to Luke, Lindsey dragged his feet to the front door. Stevie stepped into his open arms for a hug goodbye. She thought, he held onto her a second too long and she smiled, masking her confusion after he'd pressed a kiss to her hair.

"Call me, you know, if anything." Lindsey stood with his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket. 

"I always do." Stevie nodded. "Now go, your wife's expecting you."

"Love you."

"Love you, too." She said and had to almost physically push him out the door as it seemed that he didn't want to leave at all.

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