Part 46

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AN: I am still absolutely heartbroken over Christine's passing as I'm sure all of you are too. This is fictional world, but it's still impossible to completely forget about the real one. So, I'm here to wrap up this story, which I absolutely loved writing, a bit faster than initially planned and I think I'll stay away for some time. Thank you for reading ♥


Christmas morning


The light knocking on the master bedroom door was slowly pulling Stevie out of sleep. At first it felt like a part of a dream, but it grew slightly louder and more impatient. She opened her eyes and looked over her shoulder to find Lindsey still sound asleep, pressed against her back. The knocking continued and Stevie moved to sit up much to Lindsey's disappointment. 

"No, don't move." Lindsey said, draping his arm around Stevie's middle. 

"I think, you might have forgotten that it's Christmas morning." Stevie smiled lazily as she combed through his curls with her fingers. "We don't get to sleep in on Christmas mornings around here." Another knock. "Come in."

Luke pushed the door open with a grin on his face. "Presents!" 

"Oh? Has Santa visited?" Stevie's smile grew wider as Luke nodded his head and ran to jump on the bed.

"Ow!" Lindsey yelled out, when Luke's knee landed on his shin. "I can still call Santa to take all the presents away, you know." 

"Oh, hush." Stevie patted Lindsey on the back, indicating that he should let her go. "No one's taking anything away."

"There are so many!" Luke added, reminding his parents that it was time to go downstairs. 

"Well, we better go and start unpacking them then." Stevie swung her legs over the edge of the bed and reached for her robe. "Linds, get up."

"Five more minutes." He grumbled into her pillow. 

"Dad, come on!" Luke shook Lindsey and it didn't seem like he was going to stop until Lindsey sighed heavily and sat up, rubbing sleep out of his eyes. 

"Santa better have left me a big one." Lindsey mumbled as he dragged his feet behind Stevie and Luke.

As soon as Stevie gave Luke the green light, he wasted no time. She joined Lindsey on the couch, who looked as if he was about to fall asleep again. She lay her head on his shoulder and his arm naturally wrapped around her, he pressed a kiss to her cheek.

"Santa did a pretty good job." Stevie whispered looking up at Lindsey.

"Yeah, but his fingers are raw from wrapping all the presents." He whispered back and she held up his hand to kiss. "Instantly better, thank you." He smiled, pecking her on the lips.

Luke oohed and ahhed for a good half an hour, while his parents sat back, happy to see their son so happy. This was the first Christmas they got to spend as a family. Lindsey wasn't going to leave an hour later to return home for dinner. He already was home and that was the best present Stevie could have ever asked for. 

"Thank you." Stevie said, confusing Lindsey.

"For what?" Lindsey asked.

"For giving this to us, for finally giving Luke and I the Christmas morning we've both truly ever wanted." She explained and he immediately felt a lump of tears in his throat. "Linds?" She tilted her chin up a bit, when he didn't speak.

"I, uh... I love you." Lindsey simply said before kissing her lips. 

"I love you, too." Stevie smiled, softly caressing his cheek as she pulled back a little. "You're the only Christmas present I wanted."

Laughing tearfully, Lindsey nodded his head. "As are you and Luke." He replied and leaned in for another kiss.



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