Part 9

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AN: A super short update, so I'll post one more later!


"Maybe I should leave you two alone." Lindsey looked between Stevie and Eliot. "I'll come over some other time."

"No, no." Eliot waved it off, shaking his head. "You don't have to. I was in the area, only stopped by to say hello."

"Oh." Lindsey's gaze shifted over to Stevie again as if asking if Eliot was telling the truth or making up a story so he wouldn't feel obliged to leave. "Well, then..."

"I'll be right back." Stevie said. "I just need to show Eliot something."

Eliot raised an eyebrow, but followed behind her, when she reached for his hand and walked out of the room. Left alone, Lindsey felt completely out of place. It was one thing knowing about the other man, but it was a different story meeting him. Even if he'd spent about five minutes tops around Eliot, Lindsey didn't feel the immediate disdain that he felt the first time Stevie introduced him to Don Henley or worse - Joe Walsh. He wanted her to be happy, right? Even if she found her happiness with someone else. Right?

Lindsey was pulled back from his thoughts by whispers and giggles, followed by, stop it, we're not alone! He heard that perfectly. He took a deep breath, trying to block it out. Kristen had already made his day pretty miserable, this was like a cherry on top. No, actually, it was the unmistakable sound of two people kissing that was pushing him over the edge.

The voices soon grew louder, Stevie and Eliot returned to the room, looking like a couple of teenagers, who had managed to sneak away without their parents noticing. Eliot announced that he had to go. He and Lindsey shook hands, exchanging a nice to meet you. Stevie accompanied Eliot to the door, more hushed talking, something about him coming over later, then the door opened and closed.

"So, where were we?" Stevie slumped down on the couch beside Lindsey, probably not even realizing that she was smiling.

He should stay away. Whatever thoughts had crossed his mind recently, whatever feelings he believed he might be having towards her again - he should stay away. Lindsey did want Stevie to be happy. It was his own fault that he couldn't give her the fairytale ending. It was his fault that he couldn't be with his son every day. It was his fault that another woman called herself Mrs. Buckingham.

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