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Taking the mask off

You walk the streets of your town and they're masks all around some happy some sad either way its all the same masks used as a cover to provide hiding of emotions inside

Masks all around and this can't be denied don't join this crowd because you might get lost once you've gotten inside

This damn society is selling these masks right and left making so much profit its hard to forget that all this money is really a game people selling emotions for just a smile a day, hard to tell the fake ones from the real ones its such a shame since when did we start covering the emotions up and building these walls of hate

Why can't we take these masks off? The mask hides all and I can't tell who anyone is when I can't tell fake from real and  it its frustrating because Im complaining of these masks but wear one myself mine has a painted smile in the color red, I asked for yellow but they said not even the brightest mask could cover my frown so I'll just have to deal

I tried taking it off once but the crowd pointed and claimed that I was merely taking it off for attention and I wasn't really sad because apparently being sad isn't allowed anymore unless you're starving on the streets or left on the ground poor that's why so many buy mask scared they'll be claimed as not really sad just because there is a roof over there heads and food on the table but screw that tell that to the chemicals in there brains and they will laugh, no one wants to be sad and no one wants these masks but some rather wear the masks and slowly rot on the inside rather then be claimed as fakes

This is a terrible society these days and I'm tired of wearing this god forsaken mask so
I'm taking it off today and throwing it in the trash you should too, I promise not to judge or laugh

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