vacant room

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There you were, sitting in a vacant classroom staring at the chalkboard with a pitiful look on your face, like you had just witnessed your best friend get shot, and maybe I was that best friend because when I'm looking at you I feel like death is closing in on me
We hadn't spoken in months after you left me, and maybe it was my fault for always shoving my ear bud in your ear making you listen to a song, hoping you'll hear the words I've always wanted to say, or maybe you were just scared because I made you feel something in your chilled heart
Either way, you direct your eyes toward me, the ones that seemed to comfort me now send shivers down my spine, and you don't say anything at first and I don't either because I think we both caught each other being somewhere we shouldn't of been, we shouldn't of been looking at each other, he shouldn't be sitting in that vacant room and I shouldn't be staring at him hoping he will say something that will let me know he cares still if he ever did
But I couldn't wait for something that want coming, I'm tired of waiting, so I turn away and walk away from that vacant room whispering "break my heart, til death do us part"


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