Firsts and lasts

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When we first kiss my muscles spaced apart and allowed your skin to smoother mine.

When we first kissed, all my muscles quit working and I couldn't move. Not that I didn't want to, I just couldn't figure out how to make the masterpiece on your face work with my Picasso one.

When we first held hands my bones cracked open in your palm and the tendons/muscles in my hands let ease and I found myself not letting go even when you had work, I'd just tell you "You let go, My veins will burn up until you return". You stayed, even if my logic made us live in a dusty small apartment.

The first time we intertwined fingers my my ring pinched your finger and left a small bruise, I said sorry a 100 times before you kissed me to shut me up, You told me I should stop worrying and just make love on our mattress we liked to cuddled in.

The first time we made love, My cheeks turned fire truck red for my body had only seen by me for all these years in my lifetime, but when you touched me tenderly everywhere along my body I felt like the sun, beautiful and hot. I missed your mouth a few times but you said sloppy is okays. I always thought love needed to be neat, you taught me to be messy and a freak.

You were and are my first everything, it only makes sense for you to be my last

I'm gonna marry you

teenage foolsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang