38- The one with the after-party

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Scarlett rushes towards me, she's out of her costume now and she's wearing mom jeans with lime-green corset top. She grins brightly as she nearly trips over her feet trying to reach me.

'Scar! You where incredible!' I cry out as I wrap my arms around her tightly, she lets out a soft squeal as she rocks me gently.

'Thanks Autie! I'm literally on such a performer high right now, I can't cope!'

'You literally belong on the stage!'

She pulls away from me, 'I do, don't I?'

Sammy coughs awkwardly, 'Do I get a hug?'

'Of course, you do, dummy!'

I laugh slightly as her bear grip nearly tackles him to the ground, his cheeks flushed slightly when they pull apart.

'Where's Toby?'

Scarlett shrugs, 'He said he was going home to freshen up before going to the party.'

'A-Actually now there's just us three, I kind of wanted to tell you something Scar.'

My heart stops slightly, Was Sammy finally going to her?

Her expression softens considerably, 'Sure, Sam. I'm all ears.'

'Y-You know how I've been avoiding you.'

The pink-haired girl frowns, 'I-I knew you were avoiding me! Have I done something to upset you? I'm so sorry if I have, I promise I'd never want to hurt your feelings on purpose.'

'No, you've done nothing! It's all me, I just knew I had to avoid you because it's been killing me that I've not been able to tell you something.'

'Sam, you can literally tell me anything. I love you unconditionally, you know that right?'

He nods, 'I-I do know that...S-Scar, I'm gay.'

Her eyes widen before she roughly grabs him into a tight embrace, she plants numerous kisses on the top of his head.

'I-I'm so proud of you!' She cries out, 'I-I've been waiting for you to figure it out!'

His eyebrows knit together as they pull away, 'W-What you knew?'

She flashes him a sheepish smile, 'I-I've always had a bit of a suspicion, it started when you stole my Zac Efron poster.'

Sammy's entire body turns a deep crimson, 'Y-You knew about that?'

'Yeah, I just didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable by mentioning it.'

'I-I'm so sorry, if you feel like I'm ruining your big night by telling you, I-I just didn't want avoid you anymore!'

'Sam, you haven't ruined my night at all! You've given me the best gift ever, I've got my best friend back!'

My heart aches with happiness as I watch their interaction, these two fucking weirdos are now two of the people, I treasure most in this entire world.

'When I get home, I'm literally ordering all the ally merch, I can find!' Scarlett chirps as she climbs into the passenger seat of Sammy's car.

I roll my eyes softly as I climb into the backseat, once he's inside Sammy turns around to look at me with a grateful grin.

The pink-haired girl pulls out a bottle of prosecco from her bag, 'I think celebrations are in order!'

The brown-haired boy laughs, 'I'm designated driver.'

'Are you drinking tonight, Autie?'

I shrug, 'Y-Yeah, maybe.'

'Don't worry Autumn, I'll drive you home and make sure you get in safe.'

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