2.)The First Meeting

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"What in God's name do you two think you are doing?! How dare you kidnap that poor girl? Probably scaring her half to death! " the tiny woman growls at Howard.

"Sweetheart, you shouldn't be down here. Go back upstairs." He replies, softly.

"The hell I shouldn't! Howard Stark, you listen to me and you listen well! You get that girl upstairs quickly before my бабушка invokes something on you." She growls, turning to look at me.

I flinch back, expecting a sharp lashing as well, only for her to get mostly eyed, and rush forward to pull me into a hug.

"Sienna, my dear, I can't believe it truly is you." She tells me emotionally.

"Erm, who are you?" I asked, confused, and slightly scared of her wrath.

Did every Russian family have a бабушка who would invoke someone if you misbehaved? I personally did not wish to find out.

"She is your крестная мама, Sienna. She also happens to be a very close family friend of mine. " Steve told me. (Godmother)

I raise my brows at him in response, nodding my head and biting my lip, to keep my anger at bay. "You said you're my father. I need you to prove it to me. Prove it to me now, before I do something I'll regret." I stated, calmly.

He stared at me, silently, searching, before he lifted his hand and pointed towards my neck. "Your birthmark." He stated, calmly.

I silently lifted my hand in surprise, moving my hair before touching the spot I knew was hidden. "How did-did you know? My mother always complains about how grotesque it looks, so she makes me put makeup on it to cover the imperfection." I whispered, in shock.

I watch as Steve turns and gives both the short woman and the ebony-haired man a look of disbelief. "That birthmark. It's a Rogers birthmark. Almost every heir born within the line has it hidden on some part of their body. You have it where I have mine, on the left side. Just a few inches below your ear." He explained as I rubbed my neck, looking down at my hand as it became covered in makeup and sweat.

"When was I really born?" I asked, curiously.

They all turned sharply to look at me, wide-eyed. "March 15, 1996." He whispered. "Why?" He asked calmly.

"My mother always said I was born on August 19, 1999," I whispered back, tearfully as I realized why my mother had done this.

"She lied to keep you with her longer..." Steve said, surprised.

I could feel all of their stares at me with mixed emotions as I looked down at my hands, twiddling the rings on my fingers, trying to wrap my head around everything I had just learned.

Finally, I couldn't handle it anymore. Without a second thought I turned towards him knowing he was the only one that could possibly help me. "Can you get me away from her?" I asked, turning to look at Steve unblinkingly.

He looked towards the couple in the room before nodding vigorously in response. "Just say the word, and your wish shall be my command." He replied.

"Get me away from her. Get me as far as possible from here. Please." I said, as he helped me stand.

He nodded.

"Really? it's going to be that easy?" I asked him confused.

"Easier than that actually. See, I have your original birth certificate. From that I managed to create your passport, and an id for you to use, if you needed it when I found you." He explained.

"What else?" I asked, feeling as if it wasn't everything he wanted to say.

"Bucky is going to pose as your significant other. He'll be your security of sorts until we arrive back in New York. Queens, more specifically." He said

"Will he be ok with doing that?" I asked him.

"He will be." Howard replied, with a gentle smile.

"When can we leave?" I asked.

"Immediately, if that is what you wish." Steve replied.

"Let's go." I said, sighing as he nodded in response.

Immediately after I replied to him, a tall man that had the build of a linebacker, dark cropped hair, and steely blue eyes walked in with a stoic expression.

Howard turned with a smile as the man walked in and stopped next to them.

"Ты звал меня?" he asked, as he eyes me with curiosity before turning back to look at the two men. (You called me?)

"Yes, we need your help getting Sienna back to New York." Steve told him.

I raised a brow, why did this sound like he didn't know he was going to be playing bodyguard?

They spoke in hushed voices but I could hear them clearly. I was right if his reaction was anything to go by.

"Забудь это. Я не собираюсь нянчиться с твоим отродьем, Стив. Пусть это сделает сын Говарда." The man snapped. (Forget it. I'm not going to babysit your brat, Steve. Let Howard's son do it.)

"Now, Buck, you owe me a favor." Steve told him amused.

"я не гребаная няня. Попросите кого-нибудь еще присмотреть за вашим отродьем." The man replied shortly. (I am not a fucking babysitter. Get someone else to watch your brat.)

"She speaks Russian, buddy. She can understand you." Howard told him amused.

The man stiffened and turned to look at me.

I smirked back, "Hi, it's the brat. If you don't think yourself competent enough to escort me back to New York then by all means get Howard's son." I replied looking over at the two women who were laughing their asses off.

"Oh boy." I heard Steve say.

The man's jaw flexed, his hands balled into fists as he narrowed his blue eyes at me. "Listen little girl, I am a trained sniper, and the expert assassin here. I highly doubt some twenty five year old boy can do what I can." He snapped.

"Prove it." I told him challengingly.

He turned to Steve and Howard, "When do we leave?" He asked in a tight voice.

"Two hours." Steve replied, fighting back a smile.

"I'll be there." He said before storming off without another look in my direction.

Once he left, they all turned to me, and I shrugged, "Pissing men off is a talent of mine." I replied, causing them all to laugh.

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