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As soon as they left I felt an arm wrap around my shoulders and led me to the table. Ryland walked back in and stood by the door.

"Why are you back?" I asked, confused.

"Mr. Barnes asked me to escort you and your family members back to your house." He told me.

I nod.

"Are you hungry, dear?" My mom asked as she offered me a plate of teriyaki chicken kabobs, white rice and a salad.

I smiled as I took the plate and went to sit down.

As soon as the food portion was finished, I was handed a silver confetti stick.

I raised a brow, confused. "What is this?" I asked.

"Pull the string, girl! We want to know what baby Barnes is!" Sharon squealed.

I nodded as I moved my legs a little bit, as I felt another twinge.

As I pulled the string hard, we were rained upon by blue confetti.

The room all cheered at the reveal, however as the confetti finished falling, I felt a sharp twinge and terrible pressure before I felt a pop.

"Oh fuck!" I gaped as I bent forward in pain.

"Sienna?" My mom said, as she desperately stared around the room.

"My water broke." I gasped.

"Ryland, get her to the car. I'll—" My mom began to look around the room desperately.

"We'll help clean up here, and take the girls home. You go with Sienna and make sure she's alright." Galina told her as my mom pulled out her phone.

She nodded as Ryland helped me get to the SUV.

As I bent over for the second time Ryland looked at me concerned before picking me up and taking me to the car.

The ride to the hospital was quick and uneventful, until we reached the hospital.

As they brought out the wheelchair for me to sit in, I let out a growl as the next contraction hit.

"We're going to need you to fill out these forms." One of the nurses said as he tried to hand me the clipboard.

My mom grabbed it, "I'll fill these out. You get her to a room." She ordered.

He nodded as he rushed me to a delivery room.

I gasped as they helped me into a hospital gown, and onto the bed. Replacing my sandals with hospital socks.

Then they proceeded to place the heart monitor and movement detector to my stomach as the baby went wild. Insert an IV into my arm, and a blood pressure cuff around my right arm.

I gasped in pain, chewing on my bottom as hard as I could, while I tried not to cry out.

"Oh dear, just breathe through the pain, sweetheart." My mom told me.

"It …hurts …a lot." I gasped as my mom picked my hair up.

"I know, sweetheart." She soothes.

I groaned as I tried to keep my breathing steady. "Where is Bucky?" I gasped as a nurse walked in.

Then she proceeded to check how dilated I was, and asked me to stand up and walk since I had been stuck on six centimeters for an hour now.

I slowly winced as my mom tried to call my dad and Bucky for the fourth time but it was in vain, because an hour later, I was in heaps of pain.

I knew there was no stopping this boy as I felt the pain multiplying tenfold.

As the next contraction hit I folded over in pain.

Immediately two nurses rushed to my side and helped me back to the room, and onto the bed.

"Mom, where's Bucky?" I asked through my teeth.

"I don't know, sweetheart. But come on, I'm here with you. You can do this!" She told me encouragingly.

I could feel sweat dew on my forehead as the nurses connected the IV, and the monitor back into the socket.

As the nurses moved around the room trying to prepare everything, Dr. Calvin walked in, ready for the delivery.

"Sienna, you are fully dilated now. I need you to push down onto your bottom when you feel the next contraction. Tuck your chin to your chest as you push." She instructed me as I began to feel the next one.

I groaned, as I held my breath, and began to push.

Holy shit!!! Oh my God. This was the worst pain I have ever been in.

It felt as if I was being torn from the inside out, though I knew this was an exaggeration, my mind was panicking.

"Okay, breathe." She told me.

I gasped, my breath coming in short gasps as sweat rolled down my forehead.

My mom whipped it as she held my hand, "You're doing amazing, sweetheart." She told me.

"Where are they?" I asked her, in between breaths.

"I don't know. But everything is going to be alright. Just keep going, honey." She told me as the next contraction hit me.

I groaned as I began to push again, two nurses held my legs up as I pushed harder than I had before. With all my might.

The pain I felt turned to a burning sensation in between my legs.

"He's crowning! Don't stop pushing!" The doctor ordered.

I groaned as I shifted up slightly.

The harder I pushed the more it hurt but I was determined to do this.

As I pushed again, a sense of relief fell over me as I felt the baby finally slide out. The best sound in the world suddenly fills my ears as he begins to cry as the nurses cry him off to clean him a little.

A moment later Bucky and my dad rushed into the room carrying a box and flowers.

Bucky dropped them on the chair and rushed to my side.

"I'm so sorry I missed it, моя любовь." He says as he kisses my forehead.

I sighed, as they laid him on my chest as the doctor worked to help me get cleaned. "I'm just glad you made it." I whispered looking down.

His eyes follow my eyes.

A small surprised gasp leaves his lips as he sees our son.

"He's — He's beautiful, моя любовь." He says, as his eyes shine with unshed tears.

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