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We made our way to the dining room.

"It'll be alright, James. Just give her time." Peggy repeated.

Wait. They want me to wait while my wife was up there crying? What the fuck was their problem? How can they be so fucking emotionless when the situation is about Steve's only fucking kid?

I looked at both of them, actually looked at them good, before something in me snapped. "You know what? No. Fuck every one of you. Especially you, Sharon. I'm going to check on my wife, and so help me God, if any of you tries to stop me, I will fucking put a bullet in you so fast your head will be spinning." I growled.

"Buck." Steve said, with a sigh.

"No, Steve. You if all people should be on my side. She's your goddamn daughter, you punk! You should be the one making sure she is alright! But you're down here, fucking arguing with people who don't have shit to say. You're a fucking coward." I growled.

He flinched as I turned to leave.

I rushed up the stairs, and turned the knob, surprised when the door gave way, I quietly went in to find her curled in a little ball, her face red and blotchy as tears fell from her eyes.

My heart clenched painfully at the sight

Such a beautiful woman shouldn't be crying like this.

I had to do something to fix this. Even if it meant groveling. I would do it to see her smile again.

"любовь моя." I say. (My love)

Her breathing stopped as she heard me.

I froze as I saw her shoot out of the bed, wiping her face with the sleeve of her knit sweater, as she stared me down angrily.

Then I fucking noticed what she was wearing made my swallow hard, and I took a step back to keep myself in check. Feeling as my blood went south, unwillingly.

She was wearing a tank top that left little to imagination, and those pants hugged all her curves.

"What the fuck do you want?" She growled.

"I'm here to make sure you are okay." I told her.

She sighed, "I'm fine, you can leave now." She told me, coldly. Even though her voice cracked a little at the end.

Her dainty hands were balled into fists at her side, and I silently prayed she wouldn't hit me, because I knew if she did, I wouldn't me held accountable for me actions, or for doing something stupid that guaranteed her fucking hitting me. I don't know why, but her actions always set me off, and I had a difficult time controlling myself around her.

"No, you're not. If you were, you wouldn't be crying." I pointed out.

"Get the fuck out, James. I'm not in the mood for your jackassery." She weakly snapped, giving me her back.

The anger I thought ebbed away suddenly reared its ugly head, and now I was fully pissed.

"I'm getting fucking tired of you talking to me like I'm the shit on your shoe. You need to fucking listen because I am only going to say this once." I growled.

She turned to give me a challenging smirk, "And what is that, James?" She asked, crossing her arms as her sweater came undone.

Give me a spectacular view of those perfectly round tits she let me see earlier.

My mouth went dry.

I frowned, and cleared my throat, "Look, there's something I want you to understand, Leah? Happened a long time ago. She's nothing but someone I used to know. She means nothing to me. You? Do. I would fucking kill for you without caring about the consequences. To protect you. She can't compare. There isn't and will never be a competition. I want you and only you." I told her as my eyes went down to her tits again.

The Lost Mafia Princess Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora