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We all sat there as it sunk in, and then Peggy began crying happy tears, and I hugged her tightly, whispering, "Congratulations, mom."

She gasps in surprise and hugs me harder than before as Sharon blinks. "I can't believe this is actually happening." She says.

Maria nods, "I mean, I'm in my thirties, I'll be fifty by the time this kid goes off to college." She complains.

"You and me both." Peggy says tearfully as she smiles.

"Should we tell the guys?" Sharon asked, instinctively reaching for the empty glass of wine. "Shit." She muttered.

"I think that would be a good idea." Peggy says.

As I shake my head. "I need to wrap my head around the news first." I whisper.

They all nod before getting up.

We all left the box on the chair as we walked out.

Peggy and Maria took pregnancy tests with them, as did Pepper and Sharon. I hid mine and left.

I could hear the girls telling the guys the news, so I made my way to the garden.

I walked through the garden, sighing at the sight before me.

A coat landing on my shoulders made me gasp as I sat down.

"What's wrong, любовь моя?" Bucky asked as I stared ahead of me blankly.

I shake my head, "Nothing." I whisper.

"My love, you're crying. Something is wrong. So, what is it? You can tell me out here or in our room, but you are going to tell me." He says.

I shake my head and wipe my face, "I'm happy for them." I whisper.

"You wouldn't be crying if you were happy for them?" He asked me.

I frowned, "Yes, I'm happy for all of them. Pepper and Tony, Howard and Maria, my parents. Why wouldn't I be? I mean, my parents were struggling as much as we are. Why not be happy?" I asked as I clenched my fist to keep from touching my stomach.

I had to confirm. I needed to make sure not to get my hopes up with a false positive.

I don't want us to go through more heartbreak.

"Baby, we'll get there someday too. Don't worry." He tells me.

And I bite my lips to keep the news from spilling out.

I nod before standing up and rushing inside. Heading to the room before anyone can ask what's wrong.

I locked the door behind myself and crawled on the bed, huddling in the blanket.

A moment later, a sharp knock on the door, but I ignored it.

A few seconds later, I heard something that resembled bells, and the door opened and closed.

"Sienna." I heard him say.

"I don't want to hear anything. Just— Just hold me." I told him as I felt him climb onto the bed and lay down next to me.

"I can do that." He whispers as he pulls me to him and hugs me close.

I couldn't believe it. Was this real or a dream?

That was the last thought in my mind before I sunk into a tired sleep.

The Lost Mafia Princess Where stories live. Discover now