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The next day, I woke up early, showered, and changed before heading down to the kitchen.

I quickly pulled out a few things to make a full breakfast and began to cook. Allowing my mind to shut down  as I did.

"Mrs. Barnes?" Leo spoke from the doorway.

I look up as I set the plate full of sausages in front of me. "Good morning, Leo. Are you hungry?" I asked.

"Ma'am, it's my job to ask you that. May I ask what you're doing up at six in the morning?" He asks.

"I couldn't sleep." I whispered.

He nodded, "May I speak freely, ma'am?" He asks me.

I frown but nod in response. "Sure, go ahead."I tell him as I grab a mug of freshly brewed decaf coffee and sit down.

"Ma'am, are you upset about the rest of the ladies being enceinte?" He asks.

I frown as my hand touches my stomach before dropping it to my side. "No. I'm just trying to wrap my head around the news." I reply to him.

He eyes me before he nods, "You're enceinte too." He tells me.

I gasp, "What? I— No— How did you— please don't say anything." I whispered as my eyes got watery.

"I won't tell a soul." He promised. "Now, do you need help finishing up the rest of the meal?" He asked me.

I nodded, "Can you get some freshly squeeze orange juice from the fridge?" I asked as I began hearing footsteps.

We then began taking all the food to the table before I headed back up to change out of my sweats.

Bucky is showering when I walk in, so I head straight to the closet and slip off the sweats and put on a pencil skirt, and a loose knit sweater before slipping on my ballet shoes.

The skirt feels a little snug, but it still fits. I look at myself in the mirror and nod to myself before heading downstairs.

Peggy, Maria, Sharon, and Pepper are already sitting at the table drinking milk or orange juice.

"Good morning." I says as I grab my cup of coffee.

"You're not supposed to be drinking that." Peggy says chastisingly.

"It's decaf." I replied quietly.

"Have you told him yet?" Sharon asked me quietly.

I shook my head in response and bit my lip.

"Told me what?" Bucky asked as he walked in dressed in blue slacks and a white button down.

I gaped, "Nothing, we were just discussing a trip we want to take to Greece. Girls only." I tell him.

He frowns at the statement. "Let's get you to the doctor to figure out what's going on with you, and then we can decide where to go from there, alright." He says as he sits down.

The room goes silent, and the atmosphere tenses immediately.

"Right. Don't worry about me, I'll be alright." I told him, as we all got served and began to eat.

As soon as breakfast was over, we all went for a walk on the beach, enjoying the mid-morning breeze as it blew around us.

Bucky wrapped his arms around me from behind as we walked slowly.

"What's going through that beautiful mind of yours?" He asks as we stand and watch the sun slowly make its way up.

I smiled. "Nothing, I'm just wondering about our future." I say as the sun slowly begins to climb up the horizon.

The beautiful pinks, blues, yellows, and purples combine to paint a beautiful picture before us.

"What about it?" He asks.

I look at him so badly, wanting to tell him the news, but I bite my lip and refrain from doing so. "It's just a lot that's happened, I sometimes wonder if you're happy with me." I whisper.

He frowns. "Do you think I would put up with you moody ass if I wasn't happy with you?" He asked me as his expression grew amused.

I frown, "I'm not moody, you asshole. I'm just tired." I tell him defensively.

He laughs, "котенок, you have mood swings. You've been snapping at me for three days about being tired, hungry, and cold." He says amused.

"I don't have mood swings." I ground out.

"Yes, you do." He replied.

"This coming from the man who got mad when I fucking enjoy my food!" I snap.

"You fucking moan when you eat! Who the fuck does that?!" He asks.

"I enjoy my food get over it!" I growl back.

"Seriously, you can enjoy food and not make noise, stop being a bitch." He says.

I narrow my eyes at him and shove past him. "Fuck you, Barnes!" I yell over my shoulders as I head back to the house.

I stomped my way up the front stairs and into the house.

"Mrs. Barnes?" Leo called.

"Yes?" I asked annoyed.

"Would you like to have lunch up in your room?" He asks.

I nod, but I then a thought occured to me, "Keep Mr. Barnes out of the room for the rest of the day. I need to cool off and if he goes in there I might wring his neck." I told him.

He chuckles in response but nods all the same.

As soon as I go to the room I move to sit by the armchair thats located by the window, overseeing everything on the property.

I could see him standing by the beach, as I sat there. "Jackass." I mumble turning away.

The rest of the day, I did some research I needed to do, before heading to take a shower.

By the time I got out Bucky was standing in the room looking annoyed. I instantly regretted walking out wrapped in a towel.

"Why do you keep locking me out of the fucking room?" He asked as he turned to look at me, hs eyes darkening immediately.

"The moody bitch wanted to be alone." I told him dryly.

He sighed, "Look I'm sorry about earlier but I was just telling you the truth." He said.

I nod, humming as I reach for my lotion and begin applying it to my legs and arms.

He groaned, as he made his way over to me, kissing my shoulder, "I'm sorry." He said as he tries to wrap his arms around me.

Paranoia sunk into my stomach and I quickly step away, "Yeah, I am too." I mumbled keeping my eyes in the window.

As the gauze falls from my finger. He looks at my finger and tries to kiss me but I only peck his lips.

"Surprise." I whispered as he groans.

I didn't think it possible but his eyes darkened further as he stared down at my finger.

"You tattooed my name on your finger?" He asked shocked.

I nodded, "I wanted to show you my love and commitment to you." I told him.

He smiled as he lifts up his hand and shows me his finger, up until now I hadn't noticed that he was wearing a gauze but he was and I could see why now.

My hormones swing once more, the need to touch him overwhelming me, but I holdback, thinking about hurting the baby sent them away. Causing me to turn away immediately as he tries to kiss my neck.

"Sienna." He groans.

I shake my head, "I'm serious about forgiving you. I get that we both snapped earlier but you hurt my feelings and for right now I want to be alone." I tell him.

He sighs again, "Alright. Fine. I guess I can change in a guest room." He says as he grabs his things and leaves without another word.

I feel tears sting my eyes but I knew this was for the best.

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