6).Saying 'I Do'

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As we both reached the group, a smile spread across my face.

The man stared at us, before clearing his throat. "Who is the couple who is to be married?" He asked.

Steve and Peggy pointed towards us as I lifted my hand and pointed at Bucky and me silently.

"Oh, yes. Can the happy couple please follow me to the office? I have the paperwork there." The man told us.

Bucky grabbed my hand, interlacing his fingers through mine as he pulled me along.

I could hear the rest of the group quietly following us, as we entered.

The man awaited us, gesturing to the two chairs in front of a small table. "Have a seat. Please." He said as he sat down in front of us.

"Now, are you two marrying of your own free will?" He asked, eyeing us.

I was about to open my mouth, but as I did, Bucky's hand tightened around my wrist causing me to flinch slightly as he nodded in response.

"Do you both have witnesses?" He asked.

We nodded pointing towards the two couples standing behind us.

He wrote something else down before nodding, "Let us begin then." He said.

The next few minutes passed quickly for me.

I was lost in my own thoughts until I felt Bucky elbow me lightly. "I'm sorry, what?" I asked.

"He just asked if you'll take me as your husband." Bucky paraphrased tensely.

I turned, frowning, "Can you please repeat what you said?" I asked, embarrassed.

The man gave me a gentle smile before repeating his question.

"Do you take James Buchanan Barnes as your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, til death do you part?" He asked me.

I swallow thickly as I nod, "I - I do." I say.

The next thing I know, we're standing in front of each other, and Bucky is kissing me yet again. This time gently, and I feel my knees weaken, and my vision blurs, and everything around me goes dark.

When I open my eyes again I'm laying on the leather couch in the room, and Bucky is standing over me holding a vial of smelling salts under my nose.

The man from earlier is standing behind him speaking to Steve as I sit up.

"When was the last time you've eaten?" Bucky asked as he looked at me concerned.

"This morning." I told him thickly.

"Is she going to be alright?" The man asked, concerned

Bucky looked at him, his jaw flexing before he nodded, "Yes, she's just tired from traveling, and all the day's events. We should hurry so she can get something to eat." He told them as he lifted me from the couch and moved to sit me in a chair.

The man quickly pushed a leather bound binder and handed me a gold pen as he showed me where to sign.

I signed my name, a moment later Bucky leaned over and signed his name next to mine, before Steve, Peggy, Howard, and Maria signed in the witness section.

"Congratulations. You're now husband and wife." He told us as he picked the binder and moved to speak to Peggy in hushed voices.

Bucky immediately grabs my arm when I move to stand, only to feel the room spin yet again.

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