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It took us four days to confirm whether or not everything was alright.

I barely ate for the rest of the day or the next few days we spent there.

When we all grabbed our things and made our way back to the house, I went to the living room and curled myself under the blanket.

Peggy brought me some chicken noodle soup, which I couldn't keep down.

I tried to eat bits here and there, but I couldn't. My stomach churned uncomfortably at the thought of food.

Peggy sighed and went to make a call.

A few minutes later, I heard Tony arrive with his friend, Peter, and Pepper.

I frowned as I sat up, reaching over for the glass of water as they did, before taking a sip of water as I did.

"Sienna." Tony said.

"Anthony." I replied, weakly.

"We're here to take you with us." He tells me as he sits on the coffee table in front of me.

"Where?" I ask.

"They're going to London for business. I think it would be a good idea for you to go with them. I've already packed a bag for you if you want to go." Peggy said.

I frowned. Maybe this would be a good distraction.

I bit my lip before sighing and nodding. "Give me a few minutes and I'll be ready." I tell them.

I quickly got up and made my way to the bathroom. I showered and changed into a pair of jeans, a sand-colored turtle neck, and I slipped on a light colored trench coat, and my black boots.

Clint, and Pietro are waiting for me as I make my way to the door.

They lead me to the car where all three are waiting and we leave for the airport.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Pepper whispers.

I shake my head at her, closing my eyes for a second. I slip on my sunglasses and my earbuds before turning the music to tune them out.

Bucky's POV:
I frowned.

Immediately all the events of what happened swarmed into my mind. I don't know how long it's been, but I fucking feel anxiety in the pit of my stomach as more and more images pelt my mind.

We were at the warehouse, and had taken out the fuckers who had injured John, unfortunately we couldn't do much about Lamar. He had bled out before we got to him. The fuckers shot his thigh and nicked the main artery in his leg.

We thought we had taken out  all the fuckers but they had called for reenforcements.

Pretty soon we were overwhelmed and next thing I know I woke up here.

I know for a fact that I'm not anywhere on U.S. soil because I can hear a chirping of birds the U.S. doesn't have, unless it's a rich jackass who likes spending money.

There was a ringing in my ears and a pain in the back of my skull as I tried to open my eyes.

I bit my lip to keep from crying out from the pain I felt.

From the pain that was radiating my body. I knew for a fact that my left shoulder had been dislocated and that I had a few cracked or broken ribs.

I didn't want these assholes to know that I was now conscious.

"How much do you think this fucker will last?" One of the assholes asks.

"Not much from what I've seen. All of these fuckers never last long." The other one says.

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