Ch.22.) The Run In

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The next day, Bucky took me on a shopping trip to get some clothes for the trip.

I sneaked a few things in secret, before we paid.

When we got back we packed up. And went out to eat at a Trattoria, or that's what Bucky called it. I'm not sure if it is the name or how the place serves.

We did change into semi casual clothes though.

Upon arrival Bucky spoke to the maitre d, and asked for us to be seated in a private corner.

Everything was going great until it wasn't.

Because unfortunately, we ran into Leah.

She was wearing a tight, white bodycon dress, and stilettos in this cold weather. She had chopped off all her pretty black hair and now it reached her chin. Her makeup was darker than the last time we saw her.

She saw us as soon as we sat down.

Bucky sighed and turned to me, "Be nice. And maybe she'll go away. If she provokes you, ignore her, that's what she wants. To get a rise out of you." He tells me as he grabs my hand, and brings it up to his lips.

"Bucky." She says with a smile.

He sighs and turns, unwillingly, to look at her.

"Leah." He says in greeting and distaste. "What can we do for you?" He says as he enterlaces our fingers placing our hand on the table.

"I thought that was you. I just wanted to come say hello. How are you? I heard what happened to your wife. Such a shame." She says, with fake sympathy as her eyes immediately turn to look at me, giving me a once-over.

And there it was, the look.

Bucky sighs, "We are great actually. Not that it's any of your business. What are you doing here? I thought you were leaving for Milan?" He asks, in a short time.

She nods, "I was, but sadly my campaign was canceled so here I am." She says as she tilts forward.

It gives both of us a view of her cleavage. Her chest had a lot of scarring. The skin looked like it hurt. And some areas were bruising.

I frowned. That's not normal.

"That's too bad," Bucky says.

She nods with a smile, "So, I guess you'll be seeing me around." She says excitedly.

Bucky shakes his head, "We're leaving tonight." He tells her.

She gasps, "What? Where?" She asks.

Bucky looks over at me and raises a brow. "I don't think that's any of your business." He says.

She pouts, "But Jamie, I thought we could be friends." She coos in a baby voice. "Besides, wouldn't you rather be with someone who can give you kids?" She asks snottily as she looks at me.

I flinch in response, and look at the plate angrily.

"Leah, please don't call me that, and we were never friends, and never will be. And for your information, whether do we have kids or not isn't any of your business, now please leave us alone so we can eat in peace." Bucky says firmly.

Leah looks at him, recoiling like he physically slapped her. She narrows her eyes and looks at me venomously. "This is all your fault, you bitch. If you hadn't shown up Jamie would have been mine." She growls as she reaches over and tries to smack me.

I quickly stand up and move away, smirking. "Oh, is that what you think?" I ask, speaking for the first time.

She snarls at me as someone appears and holds her back. "He loved me before you showed up! If you weren't here I would have been able to get him back." She shouts.

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