A/B/O - Pt 1.

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Mick was walking around the paddock wondering when he was going to come of age. This meant, when he would find out his status as being either an Alpha, a Beta or an Omega. He knew that most people changed around their 20th birthday but he was nearly 23 and he still hadn't changed. However, Lewis had told him that he hadn't changed till he was 25 and told Mick not to worry about it. Lewis had spent a lot of time talking to Mick about changing and told him to let him know when he had changed.
When Mick had gotten to his hotel room, he felt a sharp pain through his body. Then without warning, he changed into a wolf. It was a painful process, but he knew from everybody else's experience that this was normal when you changed.
When his transformation into a wolf was complete, Mick went to look ina mirror to see what his wolf looked like and he was in for a big shock. His wolf was bigger than average and jet black. But he also had flecks of silver throughout the black coat. This wolf was the Great Wolf. It had been written about in myths and most people would tell the tales about the Great Wolf to eachother on a regular basis. This meant that Mick was one very powerful Alpha wolf.
Mick immediately changed back into a person and went to message Lewis to tell him that he had changed. Everybody thought Lewis had his status as a Beta wolf, his fur colour was also jet black and his wolf was an average size.
A couple of minutes after Mick had messaged him, Lewis turned up as his hotel room door.
'So, can I see your wolf'
'Erm I don't know'
'What do you mean'
'I'm not sure if I should show you'
'Okay, am I allowed to take a guess then'
'I think that you are an Alpha wolf with a black fur coat that has silver specks in it, am I right'
'Yes but how did you know'

Instead of replying, Lewis turned into his wolf. His wolf was black, but was even bigger than Micks wolf, and had gold specks in its fur.

'Holy crap, your the Legendary Wolf'

The Legendary Wolf was also written about in myths and tales as being the most powerful wolf that would ever exist. The liklihood of the Great and Legendary Wolf's appearing at the same time was very slim.

'How did you know'
'I could sense that you were going to be the Great Wolf, that's why you took so long to change because your body needed to get used to the amount of power you possess'
'Is that why you took so long to change'
'Yes, your father came back to the sport because he knew that I would need help for a bit after I had first changed'
'But how did he know that you were going to become the Legendary Wolf'
'Your father was a True Alpha Wolf, so he was more powerful than your regular Alphas so he could sense that I was going to become an extremely powerful wolf, but he didn't necessarily know which wolf I was going to become'
'Okay, how come you have never had the gold in your fur before'
'I have learnt to hide it by changing the colour of my fur to all black'
'Can you teach me that as well'
'Yes, that's why I'm here, your father also asked me to keep an eye on you but I would have done anyway even if he hadn't had asked'
'What do I say if people ask what I am'
'Most people won't ask, they just assume, like they do with me, assuming I'm a beta'
'How do you hide your Alpha status'
'Just by taking suppressants when I'm near my rut'
'Should I do that as well'
'Only if you want people to think your a beta'
'Okay, when do you want to start learning how to cover everything up'
'Now please'

Lewis spent a good two hours teaching Mick how to make his wolf appear smaller and how to hide the silver specks in his fur before saying that they had done enough for one day. Mick had a few last questions.

'Do you have your mate'
'Do they know about your status'
'What happens when you perform the mating ceremony'
'Your mate will have white fur and at the mating ceremony, for you your mate will develop silver specks in their white fur'
'So does your mate have gold specks in the white fur then'
'Yes but they are covered up'
'Who is your mate'
'I'll tell you another day'

Authors Note

Who do you think Micks mate should be and who do you think Lewis's mate should be?

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