CHR7/CH3 - Thorin comes with a Husband for Aunt Gwyneth

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" Guests of all races are welcomed at my home," said Guy to Edmund, "we have rooms enough for all, we merely ask that they be discreet in their dealings with our neighbours, also our stockman Hywell and his wife Glenys. They know naught of our magic, nor have they ever seen a dwarf!"

" Thorin has agreed to remain in the house during daylight hours, but will have freedom at night. Of course because your abilities do not change your appearance in any way, you have only to guard your speech, in all other respects you will have the complete freedom of the farm and its environs."

" Discretion will be my watchword," smiled Edmund, "and I thank  you for your hospitality. Tell me, does Gwyneth still have her humour? As I recall, she has an entertaining way about her."

Guy laughed out loud, " if you mean is she still outrageously flirtatious Sir, then you would be correct, and I speak from long experience. She has oft told me that she favours a handsome man, and more than once I have found myself at the mercy of her wicked wit. We are a close family in all respects, and she shows a fondness for us all that we return a hundredfold."

"She was ever affectionate with the men fortunate enough to call her friend," said Edmund, "I have to say that I was more than fond of her, but I had not the courage to speak, and she came to you not knowing the depth of my feelings. I should have grasped the nettle, and I deeply regret that I kept silent."

Once again Guy did not reveal Aunt Gwyneth's matrimonial search, preferring instead to let the one whose secret it was, to reveal it herself if she should so choose. On such short acquaintance, the man seemed amiable enough, and had provided his time and efforts on the journey homeward, should wood be required for the fire, food prepared for the pot, or the horses warrant attention.

He was amusing, in his way, neither slow nor quick witted, but deliberate in his manner. He was fair haired, his eyes were a deep brown, and he had a way about him that spoke of wisdom. Guy estimated him to be about six feet tall, and though not heavily built, he was well muscled and looked to be in 'fine fettle'.

He was a fair hand with a story, especially so if Gwyneth were mentioned in it, and Guy learned much about the generous and warm-hearted woman who now graced his home with her affectionate and capable presence.

He even asked Thorin's boy Dane, if he would permit a sleep time story, before launching into a long saga of elves witches and mythical creatures. The said saga was so long, and the plot so involved, that the boy was quickly asleep, but Edmund continued when he saw that Guy and Thorin were also lending an ear, though this was not immediately apparent in their demeanour.

" You tell a good tale Sir," said Guy when it concluded, " one that my children will enjoy I'll warrant, though I confess my own talents do not extend to storytelling. The little ones are easily fooled by my inadequate skills, but alas, not the three eldest."

"Tis a talent peculiar to witches of both sexes," said Edmund, "I believe you were 'gifted' by Gwyneth, so it surprises me greatly that you are not given to storytelling."

Guy smiled, " It is sometimes of advantage to me," he said, " should I have found my day's work about the farm to be wearisome. My children know of this shortfall in my talents, and ay request their Mama for the task, I gain another half hour or so in my chair by the fireside before I go up to give them their nightly blessing."

"My deceit does not appear to have been noticed by my good lady wife as yet, but she is keen eyed, it will come to her in the end , and I will doubtless feel the sharp edge of her tongue."

Edmund nodded his agreement, " I never married, " he said, " there seemed always to be other matters which required my attention. But I have loved, and deeply."

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